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The Puritans closed down the Globe because they believed that theatres were anti-religious and a place of sin. Many other theatres were closed down as well.

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Q: Why did the Puritans close the Globe?
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Did the Puritans close down the Globe?


When did the globe theatre close who closed it and why?

The Globe Theatre was built in 1599. The Puritans shut the theatre down in 1942. Two years after, it was demolished to be use as tenement.

Why was the Globe Theater demolished in 1644?

puritans burned it!

What was the name of the powerful religious group that often tried to close the theater during shakespeares time?

The Puritans. In 1642, after Shakespeare's death, they succeeded in forcing the government to stop all stage plays and in 1644 Shakespeare's Globe was demolished by the Puritans.

Why was the globe theatre closed in 1942?

Puritans Actually, 1942 was during WWII. The Puritans closed the theaters in 1642.

Did Puritans choose community life to be close to their church?

Yes, Puritans chose community life to be close to their church.

How did the Globe theatre get destroyed?

burned down and puritans shut it down

What group closed The Globe theatre in 1642?

The theater was closed down by the Puritans.

Why was Shakespeare's globe demolished in 1644?

The Globe theatre was closed down in 1642 by the Puritans. It was demolished in 1644-45.

When did the globe theatre close?

It did burn down but not in 1642 that was in 1613. The Theatre was closed down by the Puritans as were all theatres a religious group of the time who were a bit extremist are such activities were not accepted, social activities were not allowed.

When did the globe theatre close who closed the theatre any why?

the theatre closed in 1642. The Theatre was closed down by the Puritans as were all theatres a religious group of the time who were a bit extremist are such activities were not accepted, social activities were not allowed.

Who closed the globe down in 1642?

The puritans closed it down along with all the other theaters in London