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Maybe because they have their minds in the gutter, or maybe they don't get inside jokes.

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Q: Why do people find how's the weather up there jokes offensive?
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Do Germans find Hitler jokes offensive?

I imagine it would depend on the individual, the environment, and the joke, just as Americans with Nixon jokes, Italians with Mussolini jokes, Britons with Cromwell jokes, Ugandans with Idi Amin jokes, and so on.

Why would someone make dead baby jokes?

While many people would find such jokes offensive, some may argue that attempting to make light of serious and grave subjects is the root of many comedic topics .

Where can one find jokes about sick people?

There are a number of places where one can find jokes about sick or ailing people. Most local libraries will have a humour section or real life section that has books about jokes and quotations in them. There are also a number of websites with jokes, including Lots of Jokes.

Why do people find knock knock jokes funny?

It is theyre opinion if they think jokes are funny.

Say this guy was telling his friend and you sex jokes how should you react?

if you find it offensive, get up and leave. he'll get the picture.

Where can someone find jokes about swimming?

Someone can find out jokes about swimming by asking a comedian, heading down to the local pool and seeing what the lifeguards and people there have to contribute to your need for swimming jokes, or you can ask friends and family!

Where do you find good jokes?

you find good jokes at

Where would one find some funny questions?

One would find funny questions from Freemake, Fun-Stuff, Jokes Clean, Sport Jokes, Funny Free Jokes, Cool Buddy, Blonde Jokes and Men Jokes. Laughing when someone cracks a joke is known to make people happy and healthy.

How do you look up jokes on facebook?

You could type Joke or Jokes into the search bar, and you might find groups, pages, and applications for jokes. However, most jokes people post are a part of their own personal feeds, so you will get their jokes as part of your other stuff.

Why do I not laugh at other peoples jokes?

Every individual has a different sense of what they feel is funny regarding a joke. Some people do not mind harmless jokes, while other people do not find crude or rude jokes funny at all. Perhaps the jokes told are simply not that funny to you and it is fine if you don't laugh at jokes. Everyone has that option.

Where can I find clean nautical jokes?

You can find clean nautical jokes at

Where can one find appropriate kids jokes?

Children's joke books contain many child friendly jokes also asking people you know for jokes for kids could give you more jokes as well. You could try making up your own jokes as well!