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Q: Why was the line dance invented?
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When was the line dance invented?

it wasnt

When was line dance invented?

Some line dances were invented in the 1950's. But, most were invented in the 1970's.

Why was line dancing invented?

to make a kool dance :)

Who was the first person who invented fishing line?

Bill Dance

What is the history of line dancing?

A line dance is a dance that has a group of people who stand in a line and dance repeatedly the same steps. Line dance is usually used in Country Western bars.

When is the dance dance revolution is invented?

Dance dance revolution was invented around 1995-1998, when it was first released in Japan in 1998.

Who invented the dance salsa?

The person who invented the salsa dance was George Bush.

Who invented the arcade game dance dance revolution?

It was developed/invented by Konami.

When was contemporary dance first invented?

Contemporary dance was invented around about the 1920's

How was dance invented?

dance was 1rst invented while someone was making random moves

The year dance was invented?

dance was invented from the beginning of the earth! no one really knows who invented dance because people already started dancing before there was a name for it

What type of dance is a line dance?

A line dance is a dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a number of people dance in different groups or a line of people. It doesn't matter of which gender or who the people you dancing with.