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No. That is a stupid question. Now if you don't mind, I need to get back in my indoor swimming pool/hot tub.

Edit: I agree. this Is a dumb question.

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but this, this Is a dumb question.

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Q: Will you pull my finger
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Related questions

How do you do the pull my finger trick?

Hold you finger out, tell someone to pull it, and pass gas when they do.

How do you do pull my finger trick?

Ask someone to pull your finger with fart ready. When they pull your pointer finger produce your fart immediately. Sometimes it is best to get the fart process going slightly before they pull your finger during that body clenching stage of a fart. It just takes practice.

How do you get a ring off a finger?

To remove a ring that is stuck, you can try using soap, lotion, or Windex to lubricate the finger. You can also try elevating the hand above the heart to reduce swelling, or using dental floss or a string to carefully slide the ring over the knuckle. If these methods do not work, seek medical assistance.

How do you pick your bogeys?

Put your finger up your nostril then wiggle then pull your finger out.

How do you tighten a yoyo string on your finger?

put your finger through the loop and then pull.

Why do you pull finger from heat?

Nerves in your finger react to the heat to keep it from burning

What actors and actresses appeared in Pull My Finger - 2012?

The cast of Pull My Finger - 2012 includes: Dan Bingham as Himself - Security Guard

Why do I feel a pull on my finger?

because your pulling on it...

Can you pull a muscle for only one finger?


If you finger a girl there is white stuff on your finger when you pull out what is that?

It means you did a good job. (: Lol

When your finger nitting do you keep the yarn tight or loose?

loose when its around your finger but tight when you pull it :)

Why are you able to pull of your finger nails?

skin or nail polish