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Strictly, kg (kilogrammes) is a unit of weight rather than mass, which is measured in N (Newtons). This is important, because the MASS of an object does not change, whereas its WEIGHT does change according to the gravitational pull it is experiencing. On earth 1kg is about 10N. On the moon, say, something weighing 1kg would have a MASS of a little over 60N. If we change the word 'mass' in your question to 'weight', then the answer would be 'anything greater than 5kg'. If not, then 'anything greater than 50N subject to gravitational forces on the Earth's surface'. An object's INERTIA is the force that must be overcome in order to change its position (if stationary): so, it is clearly easier to move a 5kg object than it is to move any object that is heavier.

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Q: 1kg equals 1000g A 5kg object has less inertia than an object with a mass of what?
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Does an object with more momentum have more or less inertia?

An object with more momentum will have more inertia. Inertia is the ability to resist a change in force; objects with higher masses and higher speeds will have greater inertia. Speed * mass = momentum

An object weighs 300N on Earth and 50N on the moon Does the object also have less inertia on the moon?

No, inertia is dependant on mass not weight, weight is dependant on gravity.

What exactly is inertia?

Inertia is the resistance of motion of an object. The more inertia, the harder it is to move something. The less inertia, the easier it is to move. Take a bowling ball and a marble. The marble can be flicked by the finger, because it has less inertia. The bowling ball takes the entire hand because it has more inertia than the marble. According to Newton's laws, an object that is moving tends to continue in motion. A moving object has inertia as it has Mass and Velocity. An object that is not moving requires a Force exerted on the Mass to start it moving.

Would a massless object fall?

As per Law of Gravitation, there is no gravitational force on a massless object, so it will not accelerate. But mass-less object does not exist. It should have some mass and all objects fall down on earth with same acceleration irrespective of their mass(if air resistance is neglected).

What will make an object accelerate faster one with less inertia or more momentum?

If an object has more momentum, it has either a greater mass or a greater velocity. If an object has less inertia, it has less mass. So am object with less inertia will accelerate faster than one with greater momentum because of a greater mass, assuming the same force of acceleration is applied to both. However, if the greater momentum is due to greater velocity, not enough information has been provided to answer the question.

What property of matter is inertia related?

i think the property of matter inertia is related to is its mass.......the more the mass the less will be the inertia.....

How does mas affect the inertia of an object?

if there is large mass its harder to get moving and harder to stop than an object that has less mass.

Why is the acceleration is faster in small objects than in large objects?

The difference is due to inertia. Inertia is the resistance to a change in motion (acceleration). A more massive object will have greater inertia, and therefore a greater resistance to a change in motion, resulting in a slower acceleration. A less massive object has lower inertia, and therefore less of a resistance to a change in motion, resulting in a faster acceleration.

What does the mass of an object tell you about its inertia?

An object with a large mass is harder to get moving and harder to stop than an object with less mass. I hope this helps

Why does a heavier person go down the slide faster?

because a heavier person has more inertia, and therefore the forces that work to slow the person down, i.e. friction, wind resistance, whatever, will have less effect on an object with more inertia than less inertia

Is a kilogram less then a gram?

no 1kg = 1000g

List 2 unique and different examples of an object having inertia?

You, and I are two unique objects and we both have inertia. Anything with mass has inertia. I probably have more inertia than you, because my mass is about 113.63 kg, and you are likely to have less mass than that.