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Q: A change in speed of a wave as it enter a new medium produced a change in?
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Why does the speed of sound change if the temperature of the medium change?

because the density of the medium changes with temprature

When light rays enter a new medium at an angle what does the change in speed cause the ray to do?

The change in speed causes the light to bend. If it is travelling from an optically dencer to an optically rarer medium the ray will bend away from the normal. But if it is travelling from an optically rarer to an optically denser medium then it will bend towards the normal.

What causes light rays to bend when they enter a new medium in a new angle?

when light rays enter a new medium in a new angle it may speed up or speed down

How does energy and speed relate?

The speed of a wave is a property of the medium, changing the speed would need a change in the medium itself. If the medium doesn't change as a wave moves, the wave speed is steady. Formula: Speed = distance divided by time

When waves travelling from one medium to another medium its speed changeswhy?

The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the mechanical properties of the medium. When the mechanical properties of the medium change, the speed of the mechanical wave changes as a result. The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on the electrical properties of the medium. When the electrical properties of the medium change, the speed of the electromagnetic wave changes as a result.

Why does wavelength o light decrease when enter to denser medium?

That is because the light's SPEED decreases. Also, because the frequency doesn't change. As a reminder, the wavelength is equal to the speed of the wave, divided by the frequency.

What causes light rays to bend when they enter a new medium at an angle?

Light rays bend when they enter a new medium at an angle because they either slow down or speed up. They speed up the most if they are in a vacuum.

Which property of light will change when the medium of propagation changes?

The speed.

Does the wavelength and frequency of light changes when it enters glass from air?

Nothing. The speed changes. We live in a universe where electromagnetic waves change frequency if they can't change speed (and in a vacuum they can't), and only change speed if they enter another medium like glass.

What is change in the speed of an object?

A change in the velocity is produced by a force acting on the object. A change in velocity means a change in speed or direction (or both).

When do light waves change speed?

speed of light is different for materials of different refractive index and also higher the refractive index lesser will be speed of light in that medium. so if light travels from rarer to denser medium (with respect to refractive index) then light waves will change their speed

Will the speed of a wave change if you increase its frequency while in the same medium?

The speed of the wave depends on characteristics of the medium. Changing thefrequency results in a change in wavelength, just enough so that the product of(frequency) times (wavelength) is always the same number . . . the speed.