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It illustrates that it is possible to have a great amount of voltage and a small amount of potential energy.

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A charged balloon illustrates that something can have an electric charge. The balloon becomes negatively charged when rubbed against another object, causing it to attract positively charged objects or repel negatively charged objects. This demonstrates the presence of electrical forces in the balloon.

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Q: A charged balloon illustrates that something can have?
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What would happen if a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon?

If a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon, electrons from the charged balloon would be transferred to the neutral balloon, causing the neutral balloon to become negatively charged. This is due to the principle of electrostatic induction.

A charged balloon illustrates that something can have what type of voltage and energy?

A charged balloon demonstrates the presence of electric potential energy and voltage. The balloon gains a charge when rubbed against another material, creating a difference in electric potential between it and its surroundings. This potential difference gives rise to electric potential energy that can manifest in phenomena such as attraction to neutral objects or causing hairs to stand up.

What would happen if a charged balloon were allowed to touch a neutral balloon?

When a charged balloon is allowed to touch a neutral balloon, some of the charge from the charged balloon will transfer to the neutral balloon. This transfer of charge will cause both balloons to become slightly charged.

Why does a charged balloon attracts small bits of paper?

When a balloon is rubbed against hair or fabric, it becomes charged with static electricity. The charged balloon creates an electric field around it. The small bits of paper are also charged or polarized by the electric field of the balloon, causing them to be attracted to the balloon.

Why does paper stick to a balloon?

When you rub a balloon against your hair or clothes, it becomes charged with static electricity. The paper is also charged with static electricity, and opposites attract - the negatively charged paper sticks to the positively charged balloon.

Related questions

A charged balloon illustrates that something can have what type of voltage and energy?

A charged balloon demonstrates the presence of electric potential energy and voltage. The balloon gains a charge when rubbed against another material, creating a difference in electric potential between it and its surroundings. This potential difference gives rise to electric potential energy that can manifest in phenomena such as attraction to neutral objects or causing hairs to stand up.

What would happen if a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon?

If a charged balloon touched a neutral balloon, electrons from the charged balloon would be transferred to the neutral balloon, causing the neutral balloon to become negatively charged. This is due to the principle of electrostatic induction.

What would happen if a charged balloon were allowed to touch a neutral balloon?

When a charged balloon is allowed to touch a neutral balloon, some of the charge from the charged balloon will transfer to the neutral balloon. This transfer of charge will cause both balloons to become slightly charged.

Why does a charged balloon attracts small bits of paper?

When a balloon is rubbed against hair or fabric, it becomes charged with static electricity. The charged balloon creates an electric field around it. The small bits of paper are also charged or polarized by the electric field of the balloon, causing them to be attracted to the balloon.

How rubbing the balloon on your hair and your hair will stick onto the balloon?

Rubbing a balloon on your hair creates static electricity, which causes your hair to have a positive charge. The balloon, in turn, becomes negatively charged. Opposite charges attract, so the negatively charged balloon will attract the positively charged hair, causing it to stick to the balloon.

How might you use a balloon with a negative charge to find out whether the charge on another balloon is positive or negative?

If you move a negatively-charged balloon close to another balloon, if it moves towards the first balloon, it is positively-charged. If it moves away, it is negatively charged.

Why does paper stick to a balloon?

When you rub a balloon against your hair or clothes, it becomes charged with static electricity. The paper is also charged with static electricity, and opposites attract - the negatively charged paper sticks to the positively charged balloon.

Can you stick a charged balloon to a doorknob?

Yes, you can stick a charged balloon to a doorknob because the charged balloon and the doorknob have opposite charges. The electrostatic attraction between the charged balloon and the doorknob will cause them to stick together momentarily.

Why a charged balloon is attracted by uncharged balloon?

When a balloon is charged, it gains an excess of either positive or negative charge. An uncharged balloon is neutral, so it does not exert any electrostatic force. The charged balloon is then attracted to the uncharged balloon due to the electrostatic force between them, as opposite charges attract each other.

When you charge an electroscope by touching it with a charged balloon the process is called?

The process is called "charging by conduction." When you touch a charged balloon to the electroscope, electrons transfer from the balloon to the electroscope, causing the electroscope to become charged.

What will happen to the positively charged balloon ad a soft drink can?

The positively charged balloon and a soft drink can will pull negatively charged objects towards them

Which describes what happens when a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth?

When a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth, electrons are transferred from the wool to the balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge and the wool a positive charge. This causes the balloon to become electrostatically charged and it will be attracted to positively charged objects or repelled by negatively charged objects.