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"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction of motion, or both.

If you change direction ... like turning a corner ... then there is acceleration,

even though your speed is constant.

Anything traveling on a circular track, even at a constant speed, has constant


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13y ago

"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction. If the direction of your motion

changes, then there is acceleration, even if your speed doesn't change.

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Q: A situation in which you can accelerate even though you speed does not change?
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Decsribe a situation in which you can accelerate even though your speed doesn't change?

"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction of motion, or both.If you change direction ... like turning a corner ... then there is acceleration,even though your speed is constant.Anything traveling on a circular track, even at a constant speed, has constantacceleration.

How can your speed accelerate even though your speed does not change?

By moving in an angular motion.

A situation when you can accelerate but the cars' speed doesn't change?

"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction. If the direction of your motion changes, then there is acceleration, even if your speed doesn't change.

Which is not a way to accelerate an object?

One way to not accelerate an object is by trying to reduce its speed. In physics, a change in speed or in direction is called acceleration. One way not to accelerate an object is to change its name.

Does a car accelerate when it goes around a corner at a constant speed?

yes an acceleration is a change in speed and when you go around a corner you change your speed.

How can object accelerate when it does not change speed?

Let's review some terms before we tackle this one. Speed is displacement per unit of time. We know 60 miles per hour is a speed. Velocity is speed with a direction vector associated with it. We know 60 miles per hour east is velocity. Acceleration is a change in velocity. That means if an object changes its speed or its direction or both, it is accelerating.If an object has a given velocity and it slows down or speeds up, it is accelerated. But if the same object changes direction without a change in speed, it is still experiencing acceleration. A force had to act on the object to change its direction, even though its speed didn't change. Thus, an object can accelerate even though it does not change speed.

How can you accelerate by decreaing speed?

In physics, "acceleration" means change of velocity.

An object can be accelerated even though its speed remains constant give an example of such a situation?

An example of an object being accelerated even though its speed remains constant is a car traveling down a hill. Even if the driver maintains constant pressure, the car will accelerate due to the incline of the hill.

How does a skater not accelerate?

By not changing their speed. Technically, this means also not changing their velocity, which includes direction. So, you don't accelerate if you skate in a straight line at a constant speed. Otherwise, you are accelerating, even if your speed does not change.

What are 3 ways something can accelerate?

Three ways something can accelerate are 1. increase speed 2. change direction 3. both.

Do you have to change speed in order to accelerate?

No. Acceleration means any change in speed or direction of motion. Soif you go around a bend at a constant speed, that's accelerated motion.

How can you change san Andreas car speed?

You can accelerate by pressing up key in GTA SA.