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gently push back on you

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Q: According to Newton's third law if you push gently on something it will push?
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Related questions

How does the saying you get what you give relate to newtons third law?

i think its because you give something out and you get something back in return.

According to newtons third law forces always occur in what pairs?

equal but opposite

What is newtons third motion?


What would be an action-reaction pair according to Newtons third law?

An oar pushes the water and the water pushes the oar.

What happens to a lily pad when a frog leaps from a rock to the lily pad according to newtons third law?

1st Law

A glass sitting on a table will not move unless moved by a force This example demonstrates what?

newtons third law of motion

How often does Newton's third law of motion happen?

Always. Evey object in the universe is experiencing Newtons third law. Just by sitting in your chair motionless you are experiencing Newtons third law.

Who declared newtons third law wrong?


What are not examples of newtons third law?

A birthday cake.

Does newtons third law apply to baseball?


Does newtons third law apply to soccer?

Newton's Third Law applies everywhere.

Does football involve using Newtons Third Law of Motion?
