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This is Newton's First Law of Motion. Objects in motion stay in motion because of inertia (refer to the law of inertia for additional help).

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4mo ago

An object wants to maintain its state of motion because of its inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion and stay in its current state of motion unless acted upon by an external force.

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Actually, it's Inertia.

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Inertia, which is related to mass.

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Q: An object wants to mantain its state of motion because it has what?
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An object wants to mantain its state of motion because it has?

Inertia, which is related to mass.

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because every ---------------------------- is in a stae of motion

Why does object in motion stay in motion?

An object in motion stays in motion because of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. Once an object is set in motion, it will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

What state is an object in when it's not in motion?

An object that is not in motion is said to be in a state of rest. This means that the object's position and speed are not changing.

Why is an object in a state of equilibrium could be either in motion or stationary?

An object in a state of equilibrium can be in motion because its velocity is constant (constant speed and direction). It can also be stationary if it is at rest, as long as the forces acting on it are balanced and there is no net force acting to change its state of motion.

How does momentum of an object affect its motion?

The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity. The greater the momentum of an object, the harder it is to stop or change its direction. In this way, momentum affects the motion of an object by determining how difficult it is to alter the object's state of motion.

Can a balanced force change the state of rest or motion of an object?

No, a balanced force does not change the state of rest or motion of an object. A balanced force keeps an object at a constant state of rest or motion, meaning there is no change in velocity.

Why an object in a state of equilibrium could either be in motion or standing still?

An object in equilibrium can be in motion if the forces acting on it are balanced and it is moving at a constant velocity. Alternatively, the object can be at rest if the forces acting on it are balanced and there is no net force causing it to move. In both cases, the object is in a state of equilibrium because the forces are balanced, whether it is in motion or at rest.

What is A change in an object's state of motion is caused by?

A change in an object's state of motion is caused by the application of an external force acting on the object. This force can be in the form of a push, pull, or any other interaction that changes the object's speed or direction of motion.

What do you mean by state of motion of an object?

The state of motion of an object describes how it is moving in relation to its surroundings. It includes whether the object is at rest or moving, as well as the speed and direction of its movement. This concept is fundamental in physics for understanding the behavior of objects in motion.

Is the measure of the amount of resistance an object has to changes in its state of motion?

Resistance to changes in its state of motion is measured by inertia, which is the tendency of an object to maintain its velocity. The larger the mass of an object, the greater the inertia and resistance to changes in motion.

What exactly changes an objects state of motion?

An object's state of motion changes when an unbalanced force is applied to it. This force can either speed up, slow down, or change the direction of the object's motion. This change in motion is described by Newton's laws of motion.