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no. they are more stable when they have completely filled or half filled shells

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No, atoms are most stable when they have a full outer shell.

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Q: Are atoms most stable when they have partially filled shells?
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How does an atom behave if it had a full octet of valence electrons?

It is very stable #APEX :P

What Give the examples of stable equilibrium?

Orbiting planet and orbiting electrons in stable atoms.

What two thing surround every moving electron?

Shells and atoms

How can you tell if an element will conduct energy?

Elements are in fact a bundle of energy if you will. I believe what your asking is How can you tell if an element will conduct electricity. If an atom contains less the the required atoms for its outer shell to become full and stable, it is classified as a conductor. Here's why: The atoms of a given element is composed of the protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are the "electricity" part of an atom. These electrons orbit the protons and neutrons that are at the center of the atom. The electrons are in Valence shells, which is basically which orbit the electrons are on, the closest shell/orbit can contain only 2 electrons, and then it is said to be stable and full; the second valence shell/orbit can only contain 8 electrons, and then it is said to be stable and full; the third valence shell/orbit can only contain 8 electrons, and then it is said to be stable and full also ect.... Now, if we took the third valence shell, and it only contained 1 electron, it is NOT stable and full, so this 1 electron/electricity-part-of-the-atom is free to float around to other empty shells. This is due to the fact that the electrons always want to be in a stable shell/orbit. Some atoms of certain elements naturally contain a full AND therefore stable outer valence shell, (the furthest shell/orbit away.) If an atom contains less the the required atoms for its outer shell to become full and stable, it is classified as a conductor.

When is an object in stable equilibrium?

Atoms are generally stable if they meet a few conditions:Their valence electron shell is filled. This can occur by ionizing (gaining or losing electrons so that the highest-energy shell is full), or by electron sharing (via an electron 'sea' in metals, or by sharing of pairs of electrons in non-metals). Atoms with partially-full valence shells are chemically unstable, meaning that they react very readily with other elements. A nucleus with Too few neutrons will tend to capture its electrons or emit positrons (anti-electrons), neutralizing a proton and turning into a different element.A nucleus with Too many neutrons will tend to emit an electron by beta decay, turning one of its neutrons into a proton and turning into a different element.Additionally, once atoms reach a certain mass, there is no stable ratio of neutrons to protons, and the nucleus will either eject alpha particles from the nucleus until stable (alpha decay), or it will fission, breaking apart into two or more smaller nuclei.They have a certain ratio of protons and neutrons:Atoms with unstable proton to neutron ratios are radioactive, meaning they will undergo some type of decay until they reach a form that is stable.

Related questions

What is more stable partially filled or full electron shells?

Atoms with full outer electron shells are more stable. The atoms (elements) with full outer electron shells are the noble (sometimes called inert) gases. These are the elements in Group 18 of the periodic table, and you know them as helium, neon, argon, krypton, exnon and radon.

What is a partially filled outer electron level makes with?

A completley filled out electron level makes the atom stable

Which orbitals are partially filled in Fe atoms?


Why do many atoms in nature tend to be found as ions rather than single atoms?

Most single atoms are unstable and must undergo a chemical reaction in order to become stable. The noble gases, however, can exist as single atoms, because they have filled valence shells and are therefore stable on their own.

In order to fill their outer most shells and become more stable atoms form what?

In order to fill their outer most shells and become more stable atoms form BONDS.

Are atoms most stable when their outer shells are full?

Yes, they are.

Do ions have a full valence shell?

No, atoms with filled valence shells do not tend to form chemical bonds because a filled valence shell means the atom is already stable. It doesn't "want" to share with or take electrons from other atoms to become stable. Although sometimes, these atoms can be found in compounds, it takes a great deal of energy and forcing.

Is an atom with an outer shell reactive?

No reactive elements always have partially filled shells- never full outer shells. Because they are partially filled they are less stable and want to react. If they had full shells they would be very stable.

Why do atoms join to other atoms?

To become stable. When the outermost energy field is filled to maximum electrons, the atom is stable.

According to the oclet rule an atom with two electron shells is most stable when it contains eight?

The octet rule is a simple rule of thumb that states that atoms tend to combine in such a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shells, giving them the same electron configuration as a noble gas. The rule is applicable to the main-group elements. In simple terms, molecules or ions tend to be most stable when the outermost electron shells of their constituent atoms contain eight electrons.ELECTRONS

What is the chemical behavior of atoms whose outer electron shells contain 8 electrons?

These atoms are very stable and unreactive.

Does a single molecule have two atoms?

It depends whether it can exist alone or has a pair. Some atoms have semi-filled outer shells of electrons (sub-atomic particles) and therefore need to be covalently bonded with another molecule in order to be stable. Others can exist alone.