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Yup, by doing the "Gold Foil Experiment" he found that most particles went straight through a sheet of gold foil, while only a very tiny percent was deflected. This meant that the atom was mostly space, it had a tiny solid core called a nucleus, the nucleus is positivley charged and he beleived that the electrons surrounded the nucleus like how planets orbit the sun.

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Q: Did Ernest Rutherford create the mini solar system model an atom?
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Which scientist developed atomic model?

The modern atomic model is elaborated by Niels Bohr.

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Ernest Rutherford created the nuclear model of an atom!

What did ernest Rutherford?

Ernest Rutherford is perhaps best known for his model of the atom. He developed his own model, based upon his research, to replace Thomson's plum-pudding model.

Who created the nuclear model of an atom?

Ernest Rutherford

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Ernest Rutherford

Who Ernest Rutherford?

Ernest Rutherford was an investigator of atomic theory, and it was his model of the atom, the one with the mass concentrated in the center, that replaced the J.J. Thompson model. Links are provided below.

Whose model was called planetary model of the atom?

its was Ernest Rutherford who proposed the planetary atomic model

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Democritus (460BC - 370BC)

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Who is work contributed most to the model of a atom?

You think probable to Ernest Rutherford.

Which model of the atom allowed electrons to be located at any distance from the nucleus?

Ernest Rutherford

What early theory of atomic structure described electrons as moving around a central nucleus similar to the solar system?

Ernest Rutherford. Added: I would think Neils Bohr here. Clarification: I think it was Rutherford. Bohr's work came after the "Rutherford Model". There are many places to read about this, eg Wikipedia " Rutherford Model". Certainly Bohr refined the Rutherford Model even before his quantum ideas for the hydrogen atom. That's why the "planetary model" is sometimes called the "Rutherford-Bohr Model."