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No, producers, such as plants, which make the energy, do, as you should know, energy "burns" when transfered, so some of it "dissapears" No, producers, such as plants, which make the energy, do, as you should know, energy "burns" when transfered, so some of it "dissapears"

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Q: Do consumers have the greatest amount of energy in an ecosystem?
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The greatest amount of energy in an ecosystem is available to?

It goes to the producers.

Which has greater total amount of energy available the duckweed cattails and other producers of pond ecosystem or the frogs minnow and othe consumers of the ecosystem?

The producers in an ecosystem such as duckweed cattails have the greater total amount of energy. This is because they produce their own energy.

Which organisms in this ecosystem would you expect to have the lowest population?

Tertiary consumers receive the least amount of energy from producers.

Facts about energy pyramid?

Energy pyramids start with a producer at the bottom . Then it has the consumers at the top.

How do consumers in an ecosystem gain energy?

They eat

What do consumers use in an ecosystem for food?

Consumers use in the ecosystem the energy resource at their level of energy as food.The consumers in the plant kingdom at the trophic level are autotrophs and use solar energy while at the next level the consumers are herbivores and the next level the omnivores and finally the decomposers who feed on decayed organism in the ecosystem.

Why is net primary production or the amount of new biomass the key measurement to ecologists?

It represents the storage of chemical energy that will be available to consumers in the ecosystem.

Which would you expect to have the greatest biomass a population of rabbits or a population of foxes living in the same ecosystem?

a Population of rabbits because they're primary consumers and they contain more energy.

Name the three energy roles of organisms in an ecosystem?

The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

What role does sunlight play within an ecosystem?

it begins the energy in the food chain of an ecosystem. It goes from the sun to the producers to the consumers

Is the greatest amount of energy at the producer level?

yes, we can get the greatest amount of energy at the producer level.

What do primary consumers do in an ecosystem?

They consume the plants (producers) and obtain the most amount of nutrients and energy and then get eaten by the secondary consumers who obtain a little less energy since it is being passed down a line. Cows would be a primary who consumers grass that obtained energy and nutrients through photosynthesis and then we eat the cow (secondary) and gain what was left from the grass after the cow ate it and spent energy