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Q: Does creating nuclear energy produce large amounts of radioactive wastes?
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Does fusion produce radioactive waste?

No. The products of nuclear fusion are not radioactive.

Nuclear reaction produce huge amounts of energy by transforming tiny amounts of matter True or false?

It is true that nuclear reaction produce huge amounts of energy by transforming tiny amounts of matter.

What is nuclear used for?

To produce electricity, and also radioactive isotopes for medical use

Nuclear reactions produce huge amounts of energy by transfroming tiny amounts of matter?

into energy.

Can you get power from the radioactive element Uranium?

Yes, the radioactive decay of Uranium-235 is used to produce power in nuclear power plants.

What waste products come from power stations?

Radioactive waste is a waste product containing radioactive material. It is usually the product of a nuclear process such as nuclear fission, though industries not directly connected to the nuclear power industry may also produce radioactive waste.

What uses does coal have?

the uranium is a radioactive mineral that is used as a nuclear fuel to produce electric energy

What are facts and a fib about how radioactive materials are used to produce nuclear energy?


Does nuclear energy produce a lot of waste?

Yes; the average nuclear power plant yields about 3 tons of radioactive waste each year.

Which nuclear reaction uses the least expensive materials and produce the least amount of radioactive by-product?

You would probably be talking about nuclear fusion, but it is not available for use and probably won't be for another 50 years, so it's an academic matter. For useful power, fission reactors are the only technology we have, and they all use uranium and produce similar amounts of fission products

Why does nuclear reactions produce tremendous amounts of energy and what is the source of this energy?

It is due to the annihilation of a small part of the nuclear masses involved

What are ome of the good things about the nuclear plant like in Chernobyl?

Nuclear power plants produce large amounts of energy which are generally better then using fossil fuels. The downside, in case you wanted to know, is the waste product is nuclear waste which is highly radioactive, and can give you radiation sickness, or cancer. The waste takes approx. 100,000 years to stabilize.