

How can gravity be stored?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Gravity, in its physical sense, cannot be stored. It is not possible, for instance, to make an object which will build up energy and then spontaneously attract other objects (like a Star Trek "tractor beam").

However, the energy from gravity can be stored by performing work to lift an object off the ground, then suspending it there. For instance, if you are in a car and you drive to the top of the hill, the motor of the car burned fuel to get to the top. When you are at the top, however, you can simply drive the car downhill, releasing the stored potential energy of gravity to provide acceleration downhill.

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Is potential energy energy that is stored or available for use by body?

Yes. You can also think of potential energy as energy applied against some force, such as gravity, the force of a spring, etc.

Is potential energy is energy that is stored or available for use by body?

Yes. You can also think of potential energy as energy applied against some force, such as gravity, the force of a spring, etc.

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That would be 'potential energy'. For example a mass at some hight has potential energy from gravity, which would be converted to other forms if it fell. Other examples would be a charge in an electric field, or a quark very close to another (anti)quark or two.

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