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A beta particle is created when a neutron inside an unstable nucleus changes into a proton (or vice versa), losing energy and mass in the form of an electron (or positron), which is the beta particle.

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11y ago
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12y ago

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. The symbol is 24He2+, meaning 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and no electrons. It is split off from a larger nucleus during the alpha form of radioactive decay. It is similar to fission, in that it represents splitting of the parent nucleus into two parts, though the split ratio is tilted all the way to the limit, and there is often no free neutron accompanying it.

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12y ago

Beta particles are emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive element. They have the same mass and charge as the electron (negative Beta's), and sometimes they have the same mass but opposite charge of an electron. Then they are called positrons or positive Beta's.

There is an interesting process that occurs inside a nucleus to emitt these Beta's because normally electrons and/or positrons don't exist inside a nucleus. When a radioactive element emitts a negative Beta, experiments show that the element transforms into a different element. So what happens is that a neutron inside the nucleus changes into a proton and an electron. The electron is "spit" out as what we call a Beta and the proton stays behind. Since the atom now has an extra proton it is a different element. In the case of positive Beta emission a proton changes to a neutron and a positron. The positron (positive electron) is "spit" out and the neutron stays behind. Now there is one less proton and again we have a new element.

Radioactive elements that emitt Beta's can occur naturally or they can be artificially made by bombarding a non-radioactive element with neutrons.

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12y ago

Radioactive decay of unstable nuclei:

  • Alpha is a simple electrostatic ejection of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
  • Beta is caused by the weak force mediating conversion of a neutron to a proton, resulting in the ejection of an electron (the beta particle) and a neutrino
  • Gamma is a release of energy from an excited state by emitting a photon
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15y ago

The beta particles originate in the nucleus and electrons originate outside the nucleus.

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12y ago

The beta particle is emitted from the nucleus.

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9y ago

When the protons and neutrons in an excited unstable nucleus relax into a lower energy more stable configuration the excess energy is released as a gamma ray photon.

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9y ago

i need help i dont understand where it comes from

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11y ago

they originate in the nucleus.

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14y ago

Alpha particles come from the nucleus.

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Q: How do alpha particles beta particles and gamma rays originate in the nucleus of the atom?
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Do alpha particle same group with gamma ray?

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What type of radiation from the nucleus is more penetrating than either alpha or beta particles?

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How would you list alpha particles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing energy?

Alpha, beta, gamma.

What are the types of nuclear radiations?

Alpha, beta, and gamma are the main ones. Alpha is the ejection of alpha particles which are 2 protons plus 2 neutrons, which is a helium nucleus. Beta particles are electrons. Gamma radiation is EM radiation of very high frequency, beyond x-rays.

How does the penetrating ability of gamma rays compare with that of alpha particles and beta particles?

Gamma rays are more penetrating than alpha and beta particles.

What radioactive emission has the greatest penetrating power?

hi my names princess and i think that the answer is GAMMA RAYS if I'm right can you tell me

What are all the particles present inside the nucleus?

Electrons,neutrons,protons,beta particles,alpha particles,gamma rays,radium

Differentiate gamma rays from alpha particles?

Gamma rays are very high energy Photons. Whereas, alpha particles are Helium nuclei.

In your own words define the term radioactive element?

an element subject to spontaneous degeneration of its nucleus accompanied by the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.

What are the 3 particles of radiation?

Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Which naturally occurring radioactive particle is the largest?

Alpha particles are the same size as a helium nucleus and are made up of 2 protons and two neutrons. They have no electrons so an alpha particle has a +2 charge

Is alpha or gamma is more absorbed by matter?

Alpha particles have much less penetrating power than gamma rays.