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It absorbs sound waves by increasing air resistance reducing the loudness of the waves. The energy is transferred into heat and the person wearing them can hear sounds at a quieter amplitude than the actual sound.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Ear defenders work by absorbing sound energy before it reaches the ears. The defenders dampen the sound waves through materials that convert the sound energy into heat energy, reducing the level of sound that can reach the eardrum and protecting the ears from damage.

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15y ago

Ear defenderes reduce the amount of noise (sound power) that gets to your ears by producing a physical barrier that absorbs the noise and muffles it.

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13y ago

because ear defenders help to protect your ears note i am a science professor

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11y ago

Ear defenders do not transfer the sound waves, instead they absorb them, so as little sound as possible is transferred to the ears

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Q: How do ear defenders work using the big idea of energy transfer?
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What two ideas about energy were lost when the caloric idea was abandoned?

When the caloric idea was abandoned, the notions of the conservation of energy and the interconvertibility of different forms of energy were lost initially. These concepts were later reintroduced and expanded upon with the development of the theory of energy conservation in the 19th century.

What is the big idea of energy transfer in elementary science?

Energy transfer in elementary science is the concept of how energy moves from one object to another. It teaches students that energy can be transferred through different mechanisms such as heat, light, sound, or motion. Understanding energy transfer helps students comprehend how energy is used and transformed in various systems in the natural world.

A simple energy chain showing energy transfer on solar panels?

Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. This electricity can then be stored in batteries or used to power various devices such as lights, appliances, or electronic devices. The energy transfer in this chain occurs from sunlight to electrical energy.

How ATP is able to transfer energy in cells?

ATP is able to transfer energy in cells because of its high-energy phosphate bonds. When one of these bonds is broken through hydrolysis, energy is released and can be used for cellular processes. This energy transfer allows cells to perform functions like muscle contraction, protein synthesis, and active transport.

How do you calculate the efficiency of energy transfers?

Efficiency of energy transfer can be calculated by dividing the useful energy output by the total energy input, and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. The formula is: Efficiency = (Useful energy output / Total energy input) x 100%. This calculation gives you an idea of how much of the input energy is actually being used for the intended purpose.

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The basic idea is that electrical energy is converted into chemical energy, which is what the battery stores.

What two ideas about energy were lost when the caloric idea was abandoned?

When the caloric idea was abandoned, the notions of the conservation of energy and the interconvertibility of different forms of energy were lost initially. These concepts were later reintroduced and expanded upon with the development of the theory of energy conservation in the 19th century.

Describe the greenhouse effect using the big idea of energy transfer?

The greenhouse effect is a natural process where certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping into space. These gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, act like a blanket around the Earth, allowing some of the sun's energy to warm the planet. This increase in heat retention leads to global warming and climate change.

What is the idea of convection?

Hi! Basically convection is the transfer of thermal energy through fluids. Examples would be air and water.

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i dont f****** know do i#

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Mechanical energy is equal to force x distance. Actually, work is defined this way, but you can think of work as a transfer of mechanical energy.

What is the big idea of energy transfer in elementary science?

Energy transfer in elementary science is the concept of how energy moves from one object to another. It teaches students that energy can be transferred through different mechanisms such as heat, light, sound, or motion. Understanding energy transfer helps students comprehend how energy is used and transformed in various systems in the natural world.

Defenders of the idea of the new south argued that the south should?

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Why is plastic a good idea for ear defenders?

plastic is a good idea for the final layer of ear defenders because it is tough and effective. it's also relitavely cheap, when do not see plastic used on head/earphones, it helps block out sounds. BOOM

A simple energy chain showing energy transfer on solar panels?

Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. This electricity can then be stored in batteries or used to power various devices such as lights, appliances, or electronic devices. The energy transfer in this chain occurs from sunlight to electrical energy.

How does the 'big idea of energy transfer' work in a food chain?

If i were to have 100% energy, and i had to give my energy to a mouse, the mouses 1005 of enery is only 20% of mine. so im giving the mouse 20% of my energy which is his/hers 1005 this carrys on and on through a food chain.