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It affects the entire speed of the projectile is going to travel at. Shooting it at a higher initial velocity may increase the airtime of the projectile depending on the angle it was fired at.

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2mo ago

The initial velocity of a projectile affects both its horizontal range and its maximum height. A higher initial velocity will result in a longer horizontal range and a greater maximum height for the projectile. Additionally, the angle of launch will also affect the motion of the projectile.

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13y ago

A projectiles motion will change little because of its weight, weight, depending on propulsion will mainly affect trajectory and distance. Expotential forces(gravity, wind) tend to affect projectile motion as well as the shape of the projectile itself.

If you take two projectiles, one round ball with x mass and another projectile with a coned end point and an ingraved spiral corkscrew tip with the same x mass and propulsion value.

The later's motion is affected and will travel further because of its shape and how it interacts with aero dynamics.

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Q: How does initial velocity affect the projectile in motion?
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How does wind affect the motion of projectile?

Wind can affect the motion of a projectile by altering its trajectory. Strong winds can push the projectile off course, causing it to deviate from its intended path. Wind resistance can also slow down the projectile, reducing its velocity and range. Projectile motion is influenced by both the initial velocity and the direction and strength of the wind.

What effect does mass have on projectile motion?

The mass of a projectile has no direct effect on its horizontal motion in projectile motion. However, a heavier mass may affect the projectile's vertical motion by influencing factors such as initial velocity, air resistance, and gravity, which can impact its trajectory.

What factors affect the motion of a projectile launched harizontally?

The factors affecting the motion of a projectile launched horizontally include the initial velocity of the projectile, the gravitational acceleration acting downward, and the absence of air resistance. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to follow a curved path.

What should be the hypothesis of projectile motion?

The hypothesis of projectile motion typically involves predicting the path of a projectile based on initial conditions such as angle of launch, initial velocity, and gravity. It could be stated as: "The projectile will follow a curved path known as a parabola, determined by the initial velocity and launch angle, and will be influenced by gravity throughout its flight."

Is it true that the vertical component of the projectile motion of an object depend on initial velocity only?

Yes, in projectile motion, the vertical component of motion is influenced by the initial velocity in the vertical direction. The horizontal and vertical components of motion are independent of each other, with the horizontal component being influenced by the initial velocity in the horizontal direction.

Related questions

How does wind affect the motion of projectile?

Wind can affect the motion of a projectile by altering its trajectory. Strong winds can push the projectile off course, causing it to deviate from its intended path. Wind resistance can also slow down the projectile, reducing its velocity and range. Projectile motion is influenced by both the initial velocity and the direction and strength of the wind.

What effect does mass have on projectile motion?

The mass of a projectile has no direct effect on its horizontal motion in projectile motion. However, a heavier mass may affect the projectile's vertical motion by influencing factors such as initial velocity, air resistance, and gravity, which can impact its trajectory.

What should be the hypothesis of projectile motion?

The hypothesis of projectile motion typically involves predicting the path of a projectile based on initial conditions such as angle of launch, initial velocity, and gravity. It could be stated as: "The projectile will follow a curved path known as a parabola, determined by the initial velocity and launch angle, and will be influenced by gravity throughout its flight."

What factors affect the motion of a projectile launched harizontally?

The factors affecting the motion of a projectile launched horizontally include the initial velocity of the projectile, the gravitational acceleration acting downward, and the absence of air resistance. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to follow a curved path.

Is it true that the vertical component of the projectile motion of an object depend on initial velocity only?

Yes, in projectile motion, the vertical component of motion is influenced by the initial velocity in the vertical direction. The horizontal and vertical components of motion are independent of each other, with the horizontal component being influenced by the initial velocity in the horizontal direction.

Which information is needed to find the time a projectile is in motion?

The object's initial distance above the ground The object's initial velocity

What makes up a projectile motion?

Some of the factors that determine the movements of a projectile include: air resistance, force of gravity, initial launch velocity, the angle a projectile was launched at, and the objects initial elevation.

What do you need to determine the time that a projectile is in motion?

To determine the time a projectile is in motion, you need to know the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it is launched, and the acceleration due to gravity. Using these parameters, you can calculate the time of flight using projectile motion equations.

How do you improve projectile motion?

To improve projectile motion, you can adjust the initial velocity, launch angle, or launch height of the projectile. By optimizing these parameters, you can achieve greater distance, height, or accuracy in the motion of the projectile. Additionally, reducing air resistance and wind can also help improve the overall projectile motion.

What minimum initial velocity must a projectile have to reach a target 90km away?

The minimum initial velocity required for a projectile to reach a target 90 km away depends on the angle at which the projectile is launched, as well as the effects of air resistance and other factors. A common approach is to use projectile motion equations to determine the initial velocity needed for the projectile to cover the horizontal distance of 90 km in the given conditions.

What two things causes projectile motion?

The two things that cause projectile motion are gravity, which acts vertically, and an initial horizontal velocity. These two factors combined result in the curved path followed by a projectile.

What cause projectile motion?

Projectile motion is caused by the combination of an initial velocity and the force of gravity acting on an object. When an object is launched into the air with an initial velocity, it follows a curved path as it is both propelled forward and pulled downward by gravity. The object's horizontal velocity remains constant, while its vertical velocity changes due to gravity, resulting in a parabolic trajectory.