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It affects the entire speed of the projectile is going to travel at. Shooting it at a higher initial velocity may increase the airtime of the projectile depending on the angle it was fired at.

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13y ago

A projectiles motion will change little because of its weight, weight, depending on propulsion will mainly affect trajectory and distance. Expotential forces(gravity, wind) tend to affect projectile motion as well as the shape of the projectile itself.

If you take two projectiles, one round ball with x mass and another projectile with a coned end point and an ingraved spiral corkscrew tip with the same x mass and propulsion value.

The later's motion is affected and will travel further because of its shape and how it interacts with aero dynamics.

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Q: How does initial velocity affect the projectile in motion?
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The object's initial distance above the ground The object's initial velocity

What makes up a projectile motion?

Some of the factors that determine the movements of a projectile include: air resistance, force of gravity, initial launch velocity, the angle a projectile was launched at, and the objects initial elevation.

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Get the value of initial velocity. Get the angle of projection. Break initial velocity into components along x and y axis. Apply the equation of motion .

What is the value of constant horizontal velocity?

In projectile motion, since , there's no force in the horizontal direction which can change the horizontal motion therefore the horizotal velocity remains conserved Vx=Vox= Vocos theta by using above formula , constant horizontal initial or final velocity can be found. since Initial = final horizontal velocity.

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well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

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Projectile motion has two components horizontal motion and vertical motion. Gravity affects only the vertical motion of projectile motion.

What are two velocity components of projectile motion?

The magnitude of its Velocity (Speed), and its Direction. These are the components of the Arrow (Vector) that represents its MOTION.

What two types of motion does projectile motion include?

projectile motion means means the motion of a particle under the effect of gravity after being given some initial velocity by an external force. its path called trajectory is parabolic. so it includes motion in both x and y axes. the difference being that in x axis it is uniform motion and in y axis it is accelerated motion

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile motions?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

What is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity a. horizontal velocity b. directrix c. vertical velocity d. projectile motion?

horizontal velocity

How does gravity affect the 2 components of projectile motion?

-- Gravity causes the vertical component of projectile motion to vary according to the local acceleration of gravity. -- Gravity has no effect at all on the horizontal component of projectile motion.

Does the horizontal motion affect the vertical motion of a projectile?

Not if you can ignore air resistance, it doesn't.