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Well, look at it this way:

Two of the same kind of charges repel each other, right ?

Now, how about two protons in the nucleus of an atom ? The charge on each proton

is 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb, and they're about 4 x 10-15 meter apart. It's easy to calculate

the strength of the force pushing them apart. It's about 3.1 pounds ! ! ! Trying to push

two little particles apart that each weigh about 0.0000000000000000000000000589 ounce !

But the nucleus of every atom in the universe does not fly apart.

That's the role of the strong nuclear force.

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Osbaldo Fadel

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3y ago
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1mo ago

The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom, overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion between positively charged protons. This force is responsible for holding the nucleus together and determining the stability of an atom. Without the strong nuclear force, atoms would not be able to exist in their current form.

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13y ago

Why does the observed structure of atoms depend on the nuclear strong force and also the electromagnetic force?

Imagine a prize fight between two very different -- but both very good -- boxers. One boxer is short and stout, packing a powerful punch, but he does not have much reach. The other is tall and lanky, but lacks a knockout punch. Which fighter will win the bout?

Ignoring the crazily-orbiting electrons for a moment, the arena of the atomic nucleus is very similar to the prize fight we just considered.

The nuclei of all atoms contain protons and neutrons (excepting hydrogen, the first element; one proton only.) Protons, you may remember from school, possess a positive electrical charge. Positive charges repel one another by the electromagnetic force. They want to get away from each other (repulsive.) So how can we have all of these atoms heavier than hydrogen, with their positively charged protons, together in such close proximity?

The answer is the nuclear strong force, which always attracts by nature. It is much stronger than the electromagnetic force, but very short-ranged, like the hooks in Velcro.

Protons possess not only the electromagnetic force, but also the attractive nuclear strong force. Neutrons have no electromagnetic charge, and contribute only to the strong force, making atoms heavier than hydrogen possible. We can thank our short, stout fighter for the dizzying array of atoms observed in nature. Life would not be possible if there were only hydrogen.

But the proton cannot be counted out. In very heavy elements, those heavier than Lead (Pb), time and the repulsive half of the electromagnetic force win again, and result in the radioactive decay (into simpler lighter elements) of the heaviest atoms. What we humans choose to do with some of those heavy elements is no light matter.

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11y ago

Well, look at it this way:

Two of the same kind of charges repel each other, right ?

Now, how about two protons in the nucleus of an atom ? The charge on each proton

is 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb, and they're about 4 x 10-15 meter apart. It's easy to calculate

the strength of the force pushing them apart. It's about 3.1 pounds ! ! ! Trying to push

two little particles apart that each weigh about 0.0000000000000000000000000589 ounce !

But the nucleus of every atom in the universe does not fly apart.

That's the role of the strong nuclear force.

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13y ago

holds nucleus together.

it also holds the quarks that make up the protons and neutrons inside the protons and neutrons.

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12y ago

The strong nuclear force is what is keeping the nucleus from breaking apart so essentially it is what keeps the atom alive.

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13y ago

it holds protons and neutrons together

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12y ago

it holds nucleus together.

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Q: How does strong nuclear force affect an atom?
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What are the four forces that affect the atom?

The four forces that affect atoms are the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. Strong nuclear force holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay, electromagnetic force governs interactions between charged particles, and gravitational force is the attraction between objects with mass.

What forces hold an atom's nucleus together?

The primary forces that hold an atom's nucleus together are the strong nuclear force, which is attractive and overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons, and the weak nuclear force, which is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay. These forces play a critical role in maintaining the stability of the atom's nucleus.

What is the reveal the force that holds the nucleus together?

The force that holds the nucleus together is the strong nuclear force. This force is mediated by particles called gluons, and it is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.

Why is gravitational force weaker than stong nuclear force?

The gravitational force is weaker than the strong nuclear force because it operates over large distances and is always attractive, while the strong nuclear force is a short-range force that acts only within the nucleus of an atom. The strong nuclear force is also much stronger than gravity due to its association with the exchange of particles known as gluons.

Nuclear particles are held together by?

Nuclear particles are held together by the strong nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus.

Related questions

How does the strong nuclear force affect an atom?

it doesn't. electrons only feel the electromagnetic and weak forces.

What are the forces of a atom?

Gravity, Electromagnectic Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Weak Nuclear Force.

In what is a nuclear force related to a atom?

strong force & weak force.

What opposes the electromagnetic force in the nucleus of an atom?

The strong nuclear force opposes the electromagnetic force in the nucleus of an atom. It is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.

What are the four forces that affect the atom?

The four forces that affect atoms are the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. Strong nuclear force holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay, electromagnetic force governs interactions between charged particles, and gravitational force is the attraction between objects with mass.

What is the universal force that acts on the protons and neutrons of an atom?

The universal force that acts on protons and neutrons within an atom is the strong nuclear force. It is responsible for binding these particles together within the nucleus.

Why is the strong nuclear force present in the nucleus of an atom?

Because , the force is nuclear fore (means the force of nucleus of an atom) , so it's clear by the meaning it will be in nucleus of an atom.........

Which universal force acts on protons and neutrons in an atom and nucleus?

The strong nuclear force.

What are the 4 forces that hold an atom together?

The four fundamental forces that hold an atom together are the electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. These forces act between various particles within the atom to keep it stable and bound together.

Which best describes the forces in the nucleus of a stable atom?

The forces in the nucleus of a stable atom are the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force. The strong nuclear force holds the nucleus together by overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons. The electromagnetic force also plays a role in maintaining the stability of the nucleus.

This is the type of nuclear force that binds the nucleus of an atom together?

The type of nuclear force that binds the nucleus of an atom together is the strong nuclear force. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. This force is stronger than the electromagnetic force, which tends to push positively charged protons apart.

What are the example of strong nuclear forces?

Strong nuclear force is the force that keeps the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Being stronger than the electromagnetic force at very close distances, the strong nuclear force prevents the protons from repelling. Even more fundamentally, the strong nuclear force binds quarks together, which are the fundamental constituents of protons and neutrons.