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Q: How far should a centerline extend from object line?
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In Engineering drawing when the center line and the hidden lines lie on the same line which would be given priority?

On engineering drawings, the priority hierachy is object line, hidden line, center line. A centerline can be drawn extending beyond the physical edges of the part, a hidden line cannot. The hidden line (equally spaced short dashes) is drawn on the part instead of the centerline (alternating long dash, short dash, long dash)when the two lines are stacked in a view. If an object line, hidden line and center line are stacked in a view, the object line takes priority and is shown on the drawing. The centerline in both instances can be shown extending beyond the part edges for clarity.

Define Centerline in Badminton?

The line in the center...

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Spring line is the centerline of th epipe

How far from the centerline is the on-guard line?

two meters.

Where Nose wheel guide line cone placement should begin at the taxiway centerline from the aircraft hold position?

5 feet

The intersection of the centerline and the short service line is called?

the back boundary line, and the long service line

What is the difference between fuselage centerline and fuselage reference line?

fuselage centerline is drawn at center of maximum height of the body alined horizontally but fuselage reference line is a zero-lift line of the wing-body of the airplane

What is a zoning error?

A zoning error is any difficulty that occurs when a map line is not placed where it was intended to go (such as along the centerline of a creek), or where there is a clear legislative intent for where the line should be located.

What is symmetrical airfoil?

A symetrical airfoil is an airfoil that has the same shape on both sides of its centerline and in this type of airfoil : the centerline is thus straight the chord line is the center line the maximum camber is zero the camber ratio is zero

What is yellow line below net in volleyball?

the centerline, a player cannot cross this line at anytime during the game

What is a Buttock Line?

A plane on or parallel to the centerline of the craft cutting longitudinally from fore to aft.

What is center line elevation of steamturbine?

The centerline is the axis around which the turbine rotor spins.