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it will float providing it is in that fluid
It will float on the surface of the fluid.

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10y ago

The less dense fluid will float on top on the more dense fluid.

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14y ago

it will float on the surface of water

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14y ago

It will float in the liquid.

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13y ago

It will sink.

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Q: If an object's density is is less than that of the fluid what will happen?
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Why do some objects float in fluids but others don't?

Any object will float if its density is less than the density of the fluid,and it'll sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid.

What makes objects more or less buoyant than other objects?

Their mass (and the density of the fluid they're floating in).

How does density affect the floating and sinking of objects?

An object will float if it has less density than the fluid in which it is placed; if the object has more density, it will sink.

What do sinking objects have in common?

They all have densities greater than the density of the fluid in which they are sinking. The mass of the displaced liquid is less than the mass of the sinking body.

Hoe does an objects density determine whether the object will sink?

If an objects density is less than the density of what it is put in it will float. If the objects density is greater it will sink.

What objects float in water?

objects that are less dense float to the top.

How can knowing an objects density help you to predict whether the object will float or sink in a fluid?

If an object has less density than water (or whatever liquid you are considering), it will float. And if it has more density then the liguid you are considering it will sinq

What does an objects density have to be in order to float in water?

The objects density has to be less than that of water (which is 1000kg/m3).

Why stuff sinks and floats?

-- When the density of the stuff is less than the density of the fluid you drop it into, then it'll float in the fluid. -- When the density of the stuff is greater than the density of the fluid you drop it into, then it'll sink in the fluid.

What would cause and object to float on fluid?

An object would float on a fluid if the density of the object was less than the density of the fluid.

How does an objects density help you determine if the object will sink or float?

If an objects density is greater than the waters density it will sink but if it's density is less than the waters density it will float

How does the density of an object tell you if it will sink or float?

If the object's density is greater than the density of the fluid you put it in, then it sinks. If less, then it floats in that fluid.