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Time is a line, and not a line segment, which has an end at both points. A line also has no end at either point, and does not go back over itself as a circle would.

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Q: If time has no beginning or end then is it a line or a circle?
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What has no beginning middle or end scientifically?

-- a straight line -- a circle -- the universe

A line that has no beginning nor end.?

It is called a circle.

It has neither a beginning nor an end?


What has no beginning or end or middle?

-- a straight line -- a circle -- the universe

Does a line have a beginning but no end?

No. A geometric line has no beginning or end. A ray has a beginning, but no end. A line segment has both a beginning and an end.

Does a line have a endpoint?

No A line segment has a beginning and an end, but a line has no beginning or end. A ray has a beginning but no end.

What has a center but no beginning or end?

A circle

What is the thing which has no beginning and no end?

A circle.

What is the thing which has no beginning no end?

A circle.

What is a two dimensional set of point that has no beginning or end?

A closed curve, such as a circle or an ellipse or a wriggly curve, or an infinite line.

What is a full circle's ending?

A full circle has no end. It is continuous.It has no beginning; therefore, it can have no end point - only as it is drawn.

Where does a circle start?

You see every circle is really a different object you must remember in that drawing one circle is not the same thing as drawing another circle both are separated by space and time which proves they are different Objects.And so a circle begins where you first draw the line and ends where you last draw the line which happens to be usually around about the same point, and so a circle has no definite begin as every circle has its own beginning, a circles beginning and end are the same point and all the rest of points and the line which develops the loop to create the circle is the middle, so it really depends on where you first draw it, and it must have a beginning or else the circle would never have been drawn and it must have an end or else it would not form to create a circle, thus a circle must have a start and end, and they must be the same point and they must be the point in which you first and/or last draw them.Where ever you want it to , like another 2-D shape.