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{g represents gravity, which is not a speed and thus cannot be used in calculating rate of acceleration.} ^This incorrect, g IS an acceleration. 1g is 9.8 m/s^2.

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Q: If you were to be accelerated at 1g for one year how far from Earth would you be?
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What is the maximum speed an object can reach in free fall?

That would be the escape velocity of Earth, about 11.2 km/sec. I am assuming that the object falls from far, far away, and that air resistance is negligible.That would be the escape velocity of Earth, about 11.2 km/sec. I am assuming that the object falls from far, far away, and that air resistance is negligible.That would be the escape velocity of Earth, about 11.2 km/sec. I am assuming that the object falls from far, far away, and that air resistance is negligible.That would be the escape velocity of Earth, about 11.2 km/sec. I am assuming that the object falls from far, far away, and that air resistance is negligible.

How far does the earth move every minute?

It would be convenient to specify which of Earth's movements you are talking about. In the yearly movement around the Sun, Earth moves at a rate of 30 km per second.

What is the largest velocity reached by falling object?

The escape velocity from Earth is 11.2 kilometers/second. This is also the speed that an object would reach if it fell onto Earth's surface from far, far away ("infinity" is often used, to simplify calculations) - without air resistance, and without interference by other objects that might also attract it.The escape velocity from Earth is 11.2 kilometers/second. This is also the speed that an object would reach if it fell onto Earth's surface from far, far away ("infinity" is often used, to simplify calculations) - without air resistance, and without interference by other objects that might also attract it.The escape velocity from Earth is 11.2 kilometers/second. This is also the speed that an object would reach if it fell onto Earth's surface from far, far away ("infinity" is often used, to simplify calculations) - without air resistance, and without interference by other objects that might also attract it.The escape velocity from Earth is 11.2 kilometers/second. This is also the speed that an object would reach if it fell onto Earth's surface from far, far away ("infinity" is often used, to simplify calculations) - without air resistance, and without interference by other objects that might also attract it.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up the world?

About 10700000000000000000000000 h bombsThis is a complicated function of:yieldslocations of burstsmaterial around burstsetc.It would be far far easier to just blow away the atmosphere and leave the earth alone and even far far easier to light firestorms in all the forests and fill the stratosphere with soot for decades causing nuclear winter.

If 10 titan 2 nuclear missiles hit the earth with 100 miles between each blast would mankind be wiped out from radiation or the blast?

Neither, effects would be mostly localized to 1000 mile area targeted. Effects of fallout radiation is unpredictable though due to weather, mostly wind and precipitation. Earth is far bigger.

Related questions

What does a light year have to do with the sun and the earth?

A "light year" is a measure of distance, derived from "how far light can travel in one Earth year". Thus, if you shine a torch for the amount of time it takes the Earth to orbit the sun exactly once, that light would have travelled the distance of a "light year".

How far is Earth length of year in days?

365 , and in a Leap Year 366.

What would happen if earth was as far away as Pluto?

One day on Pluto is roughly 6.4 Earth days. A year is about 248.5 Earth years. Earth will become like this Also very cold that cannot survive man

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It depends on the crust....

What year was Hinduism practiced?

Every Year as far as humanity remembers. Its one of the oldest religions on earth.

What is the orbital velocity of earth when it is far or near in the sun?

if it was close like mercury to the sun everything would burn up and it would take 88 earth days to go around the sun. if the earth was as far as pluto(dwarf planet)the earth would freeze up and it would take 258 earth years

How far do the earth's crust move in centimeters per year?

No estoy segura

How far beneath the Earth's surface would yow have to go to find solid iron and nickel in the Earth's core?

If you got that far I am almost 50% sure it would be about 2,259km

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If the earth moves from its orbit, might be it will be permanently dark to earth till we reaches the another solar system.

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It is because Earth is near to the Sun and Jupiter is far so when Earth turns 11 turns (years) it will be 1 year in Jupiter...

How far away is satern?

6 planets and the lengh of a year is 29 years of earth

What was the year in which Earth achieved it's highest temperature?

As far as records go, 1922.