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Saliva starts the digestion process.

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Q: Imagine that you chew a cracker and swallow it what roll does saliva play?
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How do penguins produce energy?

Penguins are not producers. They obtain energy by hunting and eating fish. Penguins are very good swimmers, and can dart after fish as though they are flying underwater. They have to watch out for seals and sharks, though, because those animals will eat them!

How does flying an airplane affect hearing?

It doesn't exactly affect your hearing, it just makes your ears pop, because of all the pressure. The best thing to do is chew gum, or go to sleep!

What is prevent the waste or loss of energy?

Preventing the waste or loss of energy is to act conservatively to minimize energy expenditure. For instance, one could drink blended vegetables rather than using more energy to chew and break them down internally during digestion.

What form of energy is chewing food?

It is both types of energy actually (potential and kinetic). The act of chewing involves kinetic energy (moving your jaw, the energy burned processing the food, etc.). When you consume the nutrients in the food, they are converted to potential energy which when used is then converted to kinetic energy when you use the muscles for more chewing, walking, breathing, etc. So, you turn potential energy, stored in glucose in your muscles, into kinetic energy when you chew the food by moving those muscles and digest the nutrients, which stores up more potential energy to be converted into other examples of kinetic energy when you burn that fuel for walking, running, living. Bit of a big circle.

Is lead a metal?

Yes, lead is a metal that is usually found in pencils, hence the name "Lead, pencil." The above statement is completely and utterly wrong, there has never and still is no lead at all in pencils, that's graphite. Also lead is a poor metal or malleable metal. Actually, pencils used to use lead, but they switched to graphite because people would chew on their pencils and give themselves lead poisoning.

Related questions

What does the water in your saliva do when you eat?

It makes the food soggy/ soft and we are easy able to chew it and swallow my opinion!

Do you chew suck or swallow lozenges?

Lozenges are sucked on until small and thin. Then, the small pieces can be swallowed. You swallow the saliva mixed with the lozenge's medicine.

Why does rice taste so sweet after chewing?

The process of digestion begins in the mouth. As you chew, you release saliva into your mouth. Your saliva begins to convert starches into sugars before the food even gets to your stomach, so the starch in the rice begins to taste sweeter as you chew it. This is also quite apparent if you chew a salty soda cracker for a very long time, the flavor turns sweeter the longer you chew to mix in your saliva and cause the conversion.

2 What is the main function of the mouth in digestive system?

When we chew food, the salivary glands secrete saliva which has enzymes and the mouth when we chew the food it is easier to swallow

What does a saltine cracker turn into after you chew it for 2 minutes?

It turns into glucose, this is because your saliva breaks it down from a starch to maltose then glucose.

When you chew what is squirted into your mouth?

saliva squrited in your mouth when you chew.

When saliva shoots up from the floor of your mouth does the tongue secrete the saliva?

Saliva comes from three separate glands. They wet the food to make it easier to taste, chew, and swallow. One of the glands is under the tongue.

How do you digest a saltine cracker?

Digestion starts in your mouth, when your teeth chew the cracker into small bits. Those are mixed with saliva, which starts breaking down the carbohydrates in the cracker. When you swallow it, it goes to your stomach, where digestive fluids break it down some more. Various bacteria in your intestines may also help with the breakdown. Nutrients are absorbed in the intestines, along with excess water.

Do cows have salavary glands?

Yes they do. Saliva helps break down starches in their feed when they eat and when they chew their cud. Saliva also acts as a lubricant to make it easier to swallow food.

What 3 things does saliva do?

Saliva does a lot of things. To name a few, it keeps your mouth moist and comfortable. Helps you chew, taste, and swallow. Fights germs in your mouth and prevents bad breath.

What is the major function that helps to process of digestion by keeping the mouth moist and comfortable when you chew and swallow?

Salivation is the function that helps digestion by keeping the mouth moist and comfortable when you chew and swallow. The salivary glands secrete saliva for this purpose. The saliva also moistens the food (a physical change), and begins to chemically alter the food with enzymes (a chemical change).

What is the function of the saliva produced by the salivary glands?

Well if you didn't produce saliva, food would be pretty hard to chew. So it mostly mushes your food up more and makes it easier to swallow :)