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They change into neutrons. The reaction is that two protons become one neutron plus one proton, together with one positron and one neutrino. The full sequence in which four protons become one helium nucleus (two protons plus two neutrons) is well illustrated in the link given below., from Wikipedia.

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Q: In the nuclear reaction that takes place in the sun two protons change into two what?
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What change takes place in a nuclear fusion reaction?

1 mater is converted ti energy

Any change in an atom's center is called?

When an atom has a nuclear reaction that converts it to a different element, that is a form of radioactive decay. Even the chain reaction that takes place when an atomic bomb explodes is radioactive decay, taking place more rapidly than usual.

Can a substance be radioactive without a nuclear reaction taking place?

Yes, it is possible; disintegration is not considered a nuclear reaction.

Describe what takes place in a nuclear fusion reaction?

In nuclear fusion reaction two nuclei are combined by providing the energy.

What type of reaction take place in a nuclear reactor?

Nuclear fission, not to be confused with fusion.

Difference between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction?

AnswerNuclear reactions involve changes in the nucleus of atoms -- the number of protons and/or neutrons is changed. Chemical reactions do not cause any changes at all in the nucleus. Instead, in a chemical reaction, the electron clouds of atoms are interacting, and all changes are occurring with the electrons that surround the nucleus.

Is there a place other then stars that have nuclear reaction?

Yes, they have accomplished nuclear fusion in a lab in Princeton.

Nuclear reaction taking place inside sun is called?

Nuclear fusion; hydrogen into helium.

What type of reaction takes place in stars?

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Why did the protons did not participate during chemical bonding?

Chemical bonding only involves the outermost level of electrons, valence electrons. The actual reaction takes place far away from the nucleus of the atom where the protons are. There are reactions that involve the protons, though, but they are nuclear reactions, not chemical reactions. They are usually achieved through high-speed collision in labs.

What type of nuclear reaction takes place in stars?

Nuclear fusion is the type of nuclear reaction that occurs in stars. Older stars with a collapsing center can exceed a temperature of one hundred million Kelvin.

What kind of temperatures are requires for a nuclear fusion reaction to take place?

10,000,000 and up.