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dc with reversing and step-down control

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Q: The most efficient method of demagnetizing a magnet is to use an alternating current?
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What is alternating current normally produced by?

Alternating current is normally produced by rotating the magnet in the coil of an induced alternating voltage. When connected to a circuit, an alternating current will flow.

What must a magnet do to generate an alternating current?

To generate an alternating current, a magnet must use kinetic energy. This means that the magnet must move at a certain speed and velocity in order to create a strong enough energy charge.

How is magnetizing an object the opposite of demagnetizing a magnet?

Demagnetizing. Place the magnet at the opposite end of the metal from where you magnetized it. Again, the magnet must make as much contact with the metal as possible. Rub the metal with the magnet in the opposite direction that you used to magnetize it.

Moving a magnet in and out of a coil of wire produces?

That will induce a voltage across the wire.

What would be produced if you moved a bar magnet in and out of the wire coil?

An alternating current.

What causes an alternating current in a generator?

The spinning magnet in generators.

How can you demagnetizing a magnet?

To demagetize a magnet you could smash one if the ends with a hammer. this will cause the order of atoms to rearange so that it's not magnetic.

How can the magnetism of a permanent magnet be weakened or removed?

Put it in a coil which has an alternating current in it. The AC current produces a magnetic field in the coil which alternates with the changing voltage. This changes the magnetism of the permanent magnet. Gradually reduce the current in the coil and the permanent magnet will end up unmagnetised.

Will magnets lose it's power by rubbing?

You can destroy the magnetism of a magnet by hammering ,heating or using a alternating current method.

What is generated when a permanent magnet is moved in front of a coiled wire and the magnet's magnetic field pushes and pulls electrons in the coiled wire?

an AC, or alternating current

How does a electromagnet differ from permament magnet?

an electromagnet performs its magnetic property only when it is conducted with currents(either direct current or alternating current) while the permament magnet is the kind of material which show its magnetic property in the common situation.

How does a resonant frequency with which wire vibrates induces the alternating current in the coil magnet?

frequency does not make wires vibrate at resonance the impedance is at its highest point