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direction of electron spin

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Q: The spin quantum number of an electron can be thought of as describing?
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What is the quantum number that describes the most probable distance from the nucleaus that an electron resides?

Distance depends on the principal quantum number n.

What are the factors that lead to the concept of electron spin?

the factors that leads to electron spin is the attratctive force between nucleus and electron. this can illustrate with the example sun and earth. this can be calculate by spin quantum number.

What does n stand for in physics?

n is the principal quantum number and represents the energy level or electron shell in which an electron resides. For example - Say you have an Oxygen atom, which has 8 electrons. It's electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4. The 2 in 2p4 is the principle quantum number, n. The s is another term dealing with angular momentum and the 4 is the number of electrons.

How is the shape of an electron cloud determined?

It is a surface of constant probability i.e. an electron is just as likely to be found in a small volume anywhere around this surface. Energy sublevel

A quantum of energy as defined in the Quantum Mechanical Model is a?

It isn't so much a matter of there being a given "quantum of energy" as much as energy is quantized. This means that particles that behave quantum mechanical laws can only have certain values of energy and not the values in between. The most popular example of this is an electron in an atom. Quantum theory tells us that the electron can be in it's ground state energy, which has a given value, or it's first excited state, which has another given value, or any higher excited state. However, you cannot observe an electron with an energy value in between the ground state and first excited state, or between any two consecutive excited states. This is what it means to have quantized energy: only certain discrete values are allowed.

Related questions

What is a quantum number?

Four quantum numbers are used to describe electrons. The principle quantum number is the energy level of an electron. The angular momentum number is the shape of the orbital holding the electron. The magnetic quantum number is the position of an orbital holding an electron. The spin quantum number is the spin of an electron.

What is the definition of quantum number?

Four quantum numbers are used to describe electrons. The principle quantum number is the energy level of an electron. The angular momentum number is the shape of the orbital holding the electron. The magnetic quantum number is the position of an orbital holding an electron. The spin quantum number is the spin of an electron.

Which quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

Which quantum number identifies the shape an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

What does the second quantum number?

It's the azimuthal quantum number. It specifies the angular momentum of the orbital, which can broadly speaking be thought of as its "shape." (The reason I'm putting that in quotation marks is that it's possible for two orbitals with the same azimuthal quantum number to appear rather different in overall shape.)

What quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

34 azimuthal quantum number

In many-electron atoms which quantum numbers specify the energy of an electron?

the quantum number n determines the energy of an electron in a hyrdogen atom.

What does the third quantum number of an electron give?

The Specific orbital the electron is in

Which quantum number describes the most probable spatial orientation that an electron's subshell will have is?

magnetic quantum number

Which quantum number represents the distance between an electron shell and the nucleus?

Based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, there is no way possible to have a quantum number for position since the electron's second quantum number already gives you an exact value for its angular momentum.Bohr calculated the most probable radius of the electron cloud (which he mistakenly thought was an actual distance) getting the number 5.29X10-11 m.What I think the asker is speaking of is the quantum number that refers to energy level, n. Though not a physical distance it may be interpreted, using the Bohr model, how "far" away an electron is from the ground state, which some would believe (incorrectly) that this is a function of distance from the nucleus.

The Quantum Number that defines the shape of space an electron most likely resides in is the quantum number.?

The quantum number that indicactes the shape of an orbital in called the angular momentum quantum number.

What does the quantum number i describe?

Which sub level the electron is in.