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Power dissipated is ( I2 R ).

If you triple the voltage across a constant resistance, it will dissipate

9 times as much power as it did before the voltage changed.

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It would still be 0, seeing as no current has been applied yet.

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Q: Tripling the current in a circuit with constant resistance has the effect of changing the power by what factor?
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Voltage will be constant. Resistance is dependent on the components in the circuit. Source: Electronics Technician for the US Govt

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If the ratio of voltage to current is constant, then the circuit is obeying Ohm's Law. If the ratio changes for variations in voltage, then the circuit does not obey Ohm's Law.

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no it is not possibleAnswerYes, by changing the voltage OR the resistance.

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No it cant. Voltage = Current x Resistance. So at constant Voltage if the Resistance is increased, Current will reduce

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