

What are some characteristic of solids?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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dense, tightly packed molecules, maintains own shape and volume

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Q: What are some characteristic of solids?
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porous is actually adjective which means having pores.porous solids are those solids which has porous nature.for instance alight soft foam.another characteristic of porous solids is that they absorb water like cotton so it is also a porous solid............

Which characteristic of solids is explained by the tight packing of particles such that there is no room for particle movement?

The rigidity of its structure.

Is mass only for solid?

Mass is in everything; gas, liquid and solid. Everything has some sort of weight, after all! You might be thinking of defined shape, which is a characteristic only solids have.

Does juice box have a surface tension?

No. Surface tension is a characteristic of liquids, not solids like a juice box.

What are the characteristic metals?

They are good conductors of heat and electricity. They have a metallic luster. All are solids except mercury.

A characteristic of most nonmetallic solids is that they are?

they are NOT good conductors of heat and they are brittle solids.

Are solids good source of conductivity?

Some solids are good conductors, some are not.

Are All Solids Disolve In Water?

No. Some solids can be dissolved in water, some can't.

Why solids have any number of free surfaces while liquids have only one upper free surfaces?

It is a characteristic of liquids and gases to assume the shapes of their containers while solids maintain their own shapes.