

What are the 3 types of heat transfers?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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the 3 types of heat transfer is conduction, convection, and radiation.

conduction is when molecules transfer their heat to other molecules when they bump into each other. heat transfers through solids. metals are the best conductors.

convection is when energy is transferred by the movement of energy from a hotter, less dense particle to a colder, denser particle. heat transfered through liquids and gases by circulating currents. these currents are called convection currents.

radiation is when heat transferred through space. thermal energy is transferred in waves. heat radiation is also called infrared radiation. the sun sends its heat through radiation.

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12y ago

Radiation is the transfer of heat by waves

Conduction is the transfer of heat by 2 (or more) objects touching

Convection is the transfer of heat by particles being heated and rising. As they rise, cooler particles rush below to fill their spot below. The cooler particles begin to heat up and the warmer particles cool. The newly cooled particles sink and the newly heated particles rise. The cycle repeats until the heat source dies.

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Some three types of heat transfers are convection, radiation and conduction.