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Constant Acceleration

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Q: What do objects in free fall near the surface of the Earth experience Constant What?
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What occurs when objects free fall near earth's surface?

Constant acceleration

Is the value of g equals 9.8m s constant?

No. It is an approximation for objects near earth, objects further away from earth experience less force and therefore dont have as great an acceleration.

If you removed air resistance would objects fall with constant acceleration?

Yes. Neglecting the effects of air resistance, all objects near the surface of the earth fall with the same constant acceleration, regardless of their mass/weight.

How do you measure mass of objects?

mass = weight ÷ gravity Since the gravitational pull is relatively constant near the surface of the earth, you can weigh the object, then divide the weight by the gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/sec2 near the earth's surface).

Is the gravity on the moon as strong as gravity on earth?

That depends on exactly what you mean. The Law of Universal Gravitation has "universal" in the name for a reason. It's the same on the Moon as it is on Earth, and the gravitational constant is identical there. However, the mass of the Moon is quite a bit less than the mass of the Earth. Countering that slightly, the Moon is also smaller than the Earth, meaning objects on its surface are closer to its center than objects on the Earth's surface are to the Earth's center. The net result is that the Moon's surface gravity is about one sixth that of the Earth.

What percentage of the earth is covered by man-made objects?

man made objects cover about 32 % of the earth surface

Is g constant for all objects on earth?

In the same location, yes.

What force pulls objects down to earth's surface?


Is earths surface in constant motion?

Yes, relative to any observer not attached to the earth's surface.

Objects near the surface of the earth fall because what are by the earth?

Gainnkn kinetic energy

Is there more gravity in outer space?

It depends on where you are. In most pars of space you are far away from any massive objects, so gravity will be much weaker than it is at Earth's surface. At the height of low Earth orbit, gravity is slightly less than it is at the surface. Only near very massive objects such as giant planets and stars will you experience stronger gravity than on Earth.

What is the earth's gravitational constant?

At the Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2.