

What does shrank mean?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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9y ago

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Shrank is the past-tense of shrink. If something was to have shrank (or the more grammatically accepted shrunk), it would've gotten smaller than it's original size, or less than its original amount.

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9y ago
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2mo ago

"Shrank" is the past tense of the verb "shrink," which means to become smaller in size or to contract.

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7y ago

It means that it was reduced in size some time previously.

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What would happen if you shrunk?

If a person were to shrink, their physical proportions would become smaller, potentially leading to changes in their overall health and well-being. However, the specific implications would depend on how much they shrank and whether their internal organs were affected. This could impact their ability to function properly and could have significant consequences on their daily life.

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"Struck" is the past tense of the verb "strike," which can mean to hit, collide with, or make contact with forcefully. It can also mean to be affected by a particular situation or emotion.

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Mean square distance is a statistical measure that provides information about the dispersion of data points from the mean. It is commonly used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and finance to quantify the variability of a dataset. A smaller mean square distance indicates that data points are closer to the mean, while a larger mean square distance suggests more variability in the data.

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Rayon can generally be machine washed on a gentle cycle with cold water. However, it is recommended to check the care label on the garment for specific washing instructions as some rayon fabrics may require hand washing or dry cleaning to prevent shrinking or damage.

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Different phrases that mean the same thing are called synonyms.

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Yes, Mercury Shrank in diameter. Yes, Mercury Shrank in diameter.

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"Shrank" is not an animal at all.

What is the present tense of shrank?

the present tense of shrank wolud be shrink.

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If you mean from the orignal 30lbs size - then that would be Queen Victoria.

How do you use shrank in a sentence?

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Is shrank a past tense verb?

Yes. Shrank is the simple past tense of shrink.

How do you use the word shrank in a sentence?

This is the past tense of shrink. Here are some sentences.The dress shrank in the dryer, and now it's too small to wear.He shrank back from the hungry bear.His savings shrank quickly once his car started breaking down.

What is the past tense of shrank?

Shrank is already in the past tense. It's the past tense of shrink.

Is shrank a past participle?

No. Shrank is the past simple of shrink.The past participle of shrink is shrunk.

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What is the past participle of shrank?

Shrank is the past tense of shrink. The past participle of shrink is shrunk.