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If we use uranium-238 as our starter isotope, what happens is that a nuclear decay event happens (in this case an alpha decay) and the U-238 transforms into a daughter isotope thorium (Th-234). The half-life of this transition is 4.5 billion years. Thorium-234 then undergoes a decay. And the process continues until a stable isotope is created as the last daughter of a decay chain. Note that there will be different half lives for the transition events, and the modes of decay will vary depending on what daughter is now the parent in the next decay event. Use the link below to see all the steps. The chart will show the whole chain including the half-life of isotope undergoing decay, the decay mode, and the daughter. Follow along using the keys and the process will reveal itself.

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14y ago
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9y ago

What type of uranium? There are different varieties, technically called "isotopes". For chemical reactions, they may be considered the same "type of atom"; for nuclear reactions, not.

Ultimately lead, along the way it decays to every element between uranium and lead. However details of the specific decay series depend on the original uranium isotope(s).

BTW, all uranium is radioactive... there is no non-radioactive uranium.

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11y ago

1. Uranium 238 is transformed in thorium 234 by alpha decay.

2. Uranium 235 is transformed in thorium 231 by alpha decay.

3. Uranium 234 is transformed in thorium 230 by alpha decay.

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12y ago

1. Used in nuclear weapons: uranium and fission products are dispersed in the environment. Also for depleted uranium in projectiles.

2. Uranium in nuclear reactors: uranium is "burned" and the irradiated uranium can be recycled to extract uranium, plutonium and many useful radioisotopes.

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14y ago

Uranium 238 is transformed in the stable isotope Pb -206.

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12y ago

Because uranium is a radioactive unstable element; the stability of the nucleus depends on the proportion between protons and neutrons.

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10y ago

Uranium decay down stable lead isotopes during a long radioactive chain and a very long period.

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13y ago

The end product of the radioactive decay of uranium is a non-radioactive lead isotope.

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12y ago

The final products of the uranium isotopes decay chain are stable lead isotopes.

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What is the equation for beta decay of uranium-237?

Uranium-237 decays by beta- decay to Neptunium-237 with a half-life of 6.75 days, emitting a W- boson which then decays to an electron and an electron antineutrino... 92237U --> 93237Np + (W- --> e- + v-e)

What new element is then created by a single beta decay of this isotope 239U?

Uranium-239 decays by beta- decay to neptunium-239.

What is the nuclide produced when uranium 238 decays by alpha emission?

For decays by alpha emission use the general formula: A/Z X --> 4/2 He + A-4/Z-2 Y *Where A is atomic mass and Z is atomic number. So for U-238 238/92 U --> 4/2 He + 234/90 Th

How do uranium and plutonium provide heat energy?

The radioactive decay and the nuclear fission of uranium release a great quantity of energy, including thermal energy.

Description of uranium?

Uranium is a silvery-white metallic element. It is ductile and slightly softer than steel. It has high density, about 70% more than lead, but slightly less than gold. It is radioactive, and slowly decays by alpha decay, though it occasionally spontaneously fissions under the influence of neutrons. In the presence of air, it quickly corrodes and develops a black oxide coating. In nature, it is always found in conjunction with other elements. One of the isotopes, Uranium-235, under the right conditions, can setup a nuclear chain reaction where neutrons split the Uranium-235, producing other nuclides along with more neutrons along with a large amount of energy. This can be controlled, such as in a power plant, or it can be uncontrolled, such as in a weapon.

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What does uranium 238 become after a series of 14 decays take place?

The final product of the decay chain is the stable isotope 206Pb.

What decays into 234Th plus a?

This is the isotope of uranium - U-238.

What evidence would a scientist use to determine the absolute age of a fossil found in a sedimentary rock?

Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample. Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample.

Uranium 238 decays to lead 206 how much of the oringinal uranium will remain after the third half life passes?

12.5 %

How much uranium will there be in the future?

Less and less as the Uranium decays into lead and other elements.... More and more as super-novae explode and fuse elements into Uranium...

If uranium decays is it a chemical change?

No. It is a nuclear change, as the identity of the element changes.

What is the nuclear equation for the alpha decay of uranium 239?

Uranium-239 does NOT decay by alpha decay, it decays only by beta and gammadecay.

Why is lead always present in uranium bearing rocks?

Because the end products of uranium decays series are stable isotopes of lead.

What is the first radioactive element that forms when uranium 238 decays?

The isotope 234 Th.

When a uranium atom decays radioactivity to become protactinium the radiation emitted is?

Some possible decays:- U-231------------Pa-231 (by electron capture)- U-229------------Pa-229 (emission of a beta particle)- U-228------------Pa-228 (by electron capture)

What do you call a atom that decays?

An atom whose nucleus decays over time is called radioactive. Some examples of radioactive substances are uranium, plutonium, and einsteinium.

When uranium -238 decays to form thorium-234 the uranium nucleus emitts?

Uranium 238 is aan alpha particles emitter: halflife 4,468.109 years, energy 4,270 MeV.