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Do you mean "What effect does friction have on the velocity of the ball?"

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Q: What effect does fraction have on the velocity of the ball?
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Does the height effect the bounce of the ball?

Yes, assuming the ball has elasticity and you haven't exceeded the height where the ball, when dropped, reaches terminal velocity.

How does friction affect the bounce of the ball?

if the ball is dropped at an angle, it puts a torque on the ball, created by the velocity in the x direction, making it spin if ball is moving straight down, it has no effect.

What effect does the force of gravity have on the ball thrown upwards?

The ball returns to the ground with increasing velocity due to acceleration due to gravity. At a point (terminal velocity) the ball maintains a constant velocity (due to air resistance) This occurs when the weight of the ball is equal to the viscous drag of the air (air resistance) and upthrust (weight of air displaced).

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

You throw a ball straight up with a velocity of 40 meters per second. What is the ball's velocity after 3 seconds?

How does mass effect velocity?

It doesn't. But velocity does effect mass : as velocity increases, mass increases.

Does horizontal velocity effect the rate of vertical velocity?

No, horizontal velocity and vertical velocity are independent and have no effect on each other.

A boy catches a ball while standing on roller skates What happens to the boy's velocity and the ball's velocity?

The ball's velocity changes to 0m/s and the boy's stays the same.

How a displacement of a vertically thrown ball varies with time?

It is converted to the ball's velocity or it is known as its velocity because displacement changes with time is known as velocity.

Which ball has more velocity on grass?

a cricket ball

What is the effect of gravity on velocity?

Gravity is a force and any force acting on a body changes its velocity in the direction of the force.

Which ball if dropped has more velocity a bouncy ball or a tennis ball?

This is an old experiment. Neither. Both balls have the same velocity as gravity draws on them equally.

Does the temperature of the golf ball affect its rebound?

A warmer ball will come off the clubface with more velocity and spin than a colder ball, encouraging loft. The ball's temperature also has an effect on bounce. Heat gives the ball more elasticity, creating a ball that bounces more and travels longer.