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hello my name is bob i am fluffy and more fluffy and i am only seven years of age so yeah i might not look it but i am seriously this big boo yeah Hahahah

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Q: What happens to the temperature of a solid when energy is transferred to it?
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What happens when a solid absorbs energy?

Typically the solid will both increase in temperature and expand, as the heat energy delivered to the solid causes its molecules to vibrate faster and to increase their spacing.

What happens to a solid when energy is removed?

What happens to a solid when energy is removed

What happens when a hot solid is cooled?

The temperature decrease and also the volume.

What happens when the temperature of a solid reaches is melting point?

The kinetic energy exceeds the inermolecular forces (Apex)

What happens when an object losses thermal energy?

Its temperature declines, and it may change phase ... from liquid to solid, or from gas to either liquid or solid.

What happens to the heat energy which is supplied to the solid once it starts melting?

when solid has already melted and when heat is supplied it starts increasing the temperature of liquid

Describe the method by which energy is transferred from earth's surface to the air above it?

Its because of convection. Which is caused by a solid liquid or gas as the temperature changes. Love: H.C.S:)

What happens to the heat energy which is supplied to the solid once it has started melting?

During the phase change of a solid to a liquid (melting), all of the energy goes into breaking the intermolecular bonds holding the molecules of the solid together, and none of the energy goes into changing the temperature. Thus, during this particular phase of melting, the temperature of the system does NOT change.

What kind of energy is usually transferred from one solid to another?

Kinetic energy, heat energy, static electric energy

Why does CO2 make objects cold?

you mean the solid form of CO2?? Because heat is transferred to the dry ice from the other object, removing thermal energy and lowering its temperature.

Why is calcium a Solid?

Calcium can be solid, liquid or gas. At room temperature it happens to be a solid.

What happens to an object temperature when it gets more thermal energy?

Either the object's temperature will increase - or, the object will undergo a phase change (for example, from solid to liquid), in which case the temperature will stay the same.