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For any wave (not just light), the product of the wavelength and the frequency is equal to the speed of the wave. For light in a vaccum, the speed is constant (ca. 300 million m/s). - thus, as the frequency increases, the wavelength gets shorter.

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Q: What happens to the wavelength of lights as the frequency increases?
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Wavelength, frequency, and energy carried by each photon (light quantum).

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Dispersion affects optical fibers in the sense that dispersion causes a disruption in the frequency of lights waves and can focus the wavelength nature of light.

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In the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum VIBGYOR, violet having highest frequency is at one extreme and red having the lowest frequency goes to other extreme. So violet with shortest wavelength and red with the longest.

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Visible light has shorter wavelengths than microwaves. Microwaves, which might be considered the highest energy radio waves, have a longer wavelength (and a lower frequency) than visible light.

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If the object is opaque to the frequency of light impinging on it, some of the light will be reflected and the rest will be converted to heat in the opaque object.

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Do violet light and red light have the same energy?

Energy = Planck's Constant * wavelength The lights will not have the same energy is the wavelength varies.

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With the modern lights nothing happens.

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How does LDR work for street lights?

LDRs work when the light intensity increases, the resistance decreases. If this happens, I think the amount of current is too little so triggers something which turns the street lamps on. I'm not quite sure if this is what happens.