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Tungsten is a metal with a high melting point that is often used in incandescent lamps.

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Q: What is a gray metal with high melting point used in incandescent lights called?
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What is a gray metal with a high melting point used in incandescent lights?

Tungsten is a metal with a high melting point that is often used in incandescent lamps.

What is the coil made of in incandescent light bulbs?

It is made of tungsten, a metal with a very high melting point.

What lights are used to aid the growth of plants?

Metal halide, incandescent, fluorescent and LED are just some of the lights used to provide a light spectrum similar to that of the sun. This will aid in the growth of the plants.

What is the melting temperature of the metal called iron?

2786 degrees F

What metal has the melting point of 32F?

No metal has a melting point of 32F.

What is the difference between metal melting and metal smelting?

Smelting extracts a metal from its ore. Melting liquifies the metal.

What type of Metal would you use in an incandescent light bulb one with a high melting point or a low melting point?

The one with a higher melting point will generate more light (Tungsten is a metal that's often used.) see related link . Another opinion: It won't necessarily generate more light, but it'll surely last longer before you need a new one.

What do you call a person who metal to metal by heating?

There are several methods for joining metal to metal using heat: Brazing and soldering are used to join two pieces of metal without melting them, by melting a different metal with a lower melting point, and letting it flow between the pieces as a joint. (Brazing is generally done at a higher temperature than soldering.) A person who does this could be called a solderer or a brazer, (but this is not a common term). Welding is used to join two pieces of metal by melting them at the join and sometimes an additional filler piece is added. A person who does this is called a welder.

What color of melting metal is the least hot?

Red is the least hot color when metal is melting.

Which metal has a melting point of 962 degrees?

Silver is a metal that has a melting point of 962 degrees.

Transition metal used in incandescent light bulbs?


What do you do to purify a metal?

You have to get it hot enough where you get to the melting point of the metal. During this melting process the impurities will be removed from the metal and your end result is a purer metal.