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Continuous Spectrum

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Q: What spectrum contains only specific wavelengths?
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Related questions

What is meant by a continuous spectrum?

You can use spectra to estimate the temperature of the star: astronomical thermometer

How are the continuous bright line spectrum and spectral lines similar?

In a continuous spectrum, you see every color in visible light from wavelengths around 380 nm to 780 nm. The bright light spectrum has only light at specific wavelengths, forming narrow regions of lights. This is characteristic of a particular substance, emitting these lights from its unique electron configuration. Light at specific wavelengths is emitted for different substances, but not a continuous rainbow.

Differences between the groups in the EM spectrum?

Only their wavelengths are different.

What are line spectra and why do they exist?

A spectrum that contains only certain colors, or wavelengths, is called a line spectrum. For every element, the emitted light contains only certain wavelentghs, giving each element a unique line spectrum. They exist for atomic fingerprinting, which is useful in identifying elements. They are also used in sodium-vapor lmaps, which are widely used for street lighting. They are also used in "neon" lights.

What is the only electromagnetic spectrum that humans perceive with their eyes?

The wavelengths which comprise visible light.

One indicator that electrons in atoms are limited to specific energy levels is that?

light emitted from excited atoms occurs only at specific wavelengths

How is seeing related to wavelength?

The human eye can only detect electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, Typically, wavelengths of 390 to 750 nm fall within the visible spectrum. Radiation with these wavelengths are called visible light or simply light.

Is it true that human beings can only see a small fraction of the wavelengths that make up the electromagnetic spectrum?

Yes, it is true.

How much of the electromagnetic spectrum does visible wavelengths makes up?

In the full spectrum, humans can only see 3% of the rays. Other animals can say more, some scientists predict cats see 20% of the spectrum.

Why is the solar spectrum an absorption spectrum rather than an emission spectrum?

The sun has 3 layers - the photosphere, the chromosphere, the corona. Photosphere is the visible surface and gives the absorption spectrum. Chromosphere is the pinkish discharge encircling the Sun, visible only during a total eclipse. This gives the emission spectrum. Corona is the halo encircling the chromosphere. THis gives the coronal spectrum.

What is difference between spectrophotometer and spectometer?

In short, a spectrometer utilises a wide range of wavelengths from the electromagnetic spectrum whereas a spectrophotometer utilises only a small section of the electromagnetic spectrum (usually only near-visible light....we usually use U.V). Apart from that, the two are actually extremely similar.

What is the relationship between electromagnetic spectrum light and sight?

Anything that can reflect light is only visible to an eye... others which cannot are dark..