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Reducing the distance between them. In theory, also increasing the mass; but you can't really change the mass of an object. However, you can compare the forces if you replace an object by a different object, which has a different mass.

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Q: Which change will always result in an increase in the gravitational force between two objects?
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When Is the gravitational pull between two objects that have greater masses?

The gravitational pull is always present: there is no "when".

Does gravity affect all objects in the same way?

Yes. The gravitational force between objects always depends only on their masses and the distance between them.

Which would you expect to increase the gravitational force between two objects?

If you want me to pick the correct answer from a list of multiple choices for you, the least you could do would be to let me see the list. In this case, I can make a pretty good guess, because there are only two things that can have any influence on the gravitational force between two objects . . . the masses of the objects, and the distance between them.

What is the force of attaraction between two objects in a vacuum?

The force will always be gravitational. In addition we might have magnetic force, and electric force.?Regards.

What is the difference between gravitational potential and elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy is the amount of energy that is stored in a material that can be compressed. One can measure the elastic potential energy in a material by the equation E = 1/2kx^2 k is the spring constant of an object. The spring constant tells you how stretchy (or elastic) a material is. x is the distance that the object is stretched or compressed. Gravitational energy is the potential energy between two masses with a gravitational field. Two masses will always have a gravitational pull towards each other so there is potential energy between two masses. The gravitational energy between two objects can be modeled by the equation E= Gm1m2 / r G is the gravitational constant 6.67x10^-11 m^3/Kg.s^2 m1 and m2 represent the masses of the two objects r is the distance between the two objects. The greater the distance between the two objects, the weaker the gravitational potential energy.

What type of force exerts only a pulling force on objects?

The gravitational force is always attractive.

Gravity is a pull between two masses True False?

Yes, gravity exists between two objects that have mass.

State newtons law of universal gravitation?

The law of universal gravitation states every object in the universe attracts every other object, the attraction being proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What is the direction of gravity?

The gravitational forces between two objects act in both directions along the line between their centers of mass. In our daily experience, where one of the objects is always the Earth, we call one of those directions "down" and, as relates to the forces of gravity, we ignore the other direction completely.

What determines how great a force gravity will place upon an object?

-- The gravitational force is always a two-way thing. It acts between two objects, on the line between their centers. The force on each object attracts it toward the other one, and the forces on both objects are always equal. -- The strength of the force depends on ===> the product of the masses of the two objects. Bigger product = more force. ===> the distance between their centers. Bigger distance = less force.

What is the force that always attracts or pulls objects towards each other without direct contact or impact?

gravitational force

What is Newton's Law as it relates to two masses distance apart and gravitational force?

Newton promulgated many mathematical expressions describing physical processes that came to be known as "Laws". One of the best known is his "law" of universal gravitation. It says that the gravitational force between every two objects is proportional to the product of their masses, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, always attractive, and exerts equally on both objects.