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I think that all forms have the same amount of kenetic energy due to the fact that they can all change into the same amount of different molecular make ups.

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Q: Which particles have the least kinetic energy a solid particles b liquid particles c gas particles?
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Which phase of matter do particles have the most energy and the least energy?

Particles of matter have their least kinetic energy in the solid phase and their greatest kinetic energy in the gas phase.

Which answer lists the substances in order from greatest energy of particles to least energy of particles?

Gas, liquid, soil

Which answer lists the subtances in order from greatest energy of particles to least energy of particles?

Gas, Liquid, Solid

Which answer lists the substances in order from greatest energy of particles to the least energy particles?

Gas, liquid, soil

When a gas turns into a solid hoe does it change affect energy?

Particles in the gas are in a state of rapid and random motion because of their high kinetic energy content. This explains why they are spaced so far apart too. Particles in a liquid have higher attractive forces towards each other but lower internal kinetic energy. This brings the particles closer together. Particles in a solid have the least kinetic energy and the highest interatomic/intermolecular attractive forces (except for substances that sublime). This makes them stick together. Cooling a gas condenses it to a liquid by removing energy from it. Cooling a liquid even further removes even more energy from it. The particles come closer together and a solid is formed.

What are the four stages of matter in order from least kinetic energy to most kinetic energy?

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma - in that order.

Do molecules have least kinetic energy in liquid phase?

If the molecules in question have a solid phase, for example water which goes from liquid to solid, namely ice, then least kinetic energy is the solid phase, with minimum kinetic occurring at 0 Kelvin (absolute zero).

How does kinetic energy change with each state of matter?

When any substance goes from solid to liquid to gas, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases.Molecules in the gaseous state have the most kinetic energy.Molecules in the solid state have the least kinetic energy.

What state of matter has the least kinetic energy?

The state of matter than has the least internal kinetic energy (the kinetic energy of all the internal particles relative to the center of mass of the system), or the least internal + macrosopic kinetic energy, is the same state as "Which state of matter has the least thermal energy?". (hint: it's not the gaseous state). However, if you are asking what state of matter has the least macroscopic kinetic energy: Every state of matter can have systems with zero macroscopic kinetic energy. So none of them (or perhaps all of them) have the "least" kinetic energy.

List all 5 states of matter in order of the highest kinetic energy to the lowest kinetic energy?

First, Gas- It has the most kinetic energy because it moves more freely. Second, liquid - It has okay kinetic energy. Then its Solid with the least kinetic energy.HOPE IT HELPED.

Explain by kinetic molecular theory why ice is more dense then water vapours?

By looking at the states of matter ( solid ,liquid or gas) we can determine that a giben sample will have how much energy. Molecules in solid have least kinetic energy. Molecules in vapor (gas) have highest kinetic energy. Liquids have moderatee kinetic energy.

Do particles of solid have less energy than particles of a gas?

No,they don't because when the particles in gas ovecome the force of attraction they move more freely making the particles have more energy. Solid particles are tightly packed with a strong force of attraction making them have the least amount of energy compared to the other states(liquid and gas).