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Q: Which star will emit the shortest wavelength of its peak frequency?
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What is frequency of a wavelengh?

Frequency and wavelength are two characteristics of waves and are not characteristics of each other. Wavelength is the length of a wave from peak to peak or trough to trough. Frequency is how often the wave peaks arrive.

According to Wien's law the hottest stars also have?

the shortest peak wavelength.

What is the difference between freqeuency and wavelength?

Frequency is how many cycles per second there are, while wavelength is the actual length of the wave from peak to peak or trough to trough. Frequency is related to wavelength, since the shorter the wavelength to more cycles per second (waves passing per second). Frequency is v/L where L is the wavelength and v is the phase velocity.

How do you define a peak in a mass spectrum?

A peak in a mass spectrum is a wavelength or frequency that shows a much greater intensity than the surrounding values.

The distance between two consecutive crests on a wave?

The distance between consecutive crests is called the "wavelength".

How is Frequency and wavelenght related?

Frequency is the number of cycles per second represented in Hertz (Hz). The wavelength is the measure of the length of the wave (measured from peak to peak most commonly). In optics, wavelength determines the color of light, where frequency places it where it belongs in the electro-magnetic spectrum (i.e. infrared, ultraviolet, or visible to human eye).

What is important about the peak wavelength of a thermal radiation spectrum?

The peak wavelength, is connected to the temperature of the objects. we have short peak wavelength when the temperature is high.

What is the peak to peak distance of a wave?

The wavelength.

What is the peak to peak distance of wave?

The wavelength.

How do you label a wavelength?

you label a wavelength with amplitude, wavelength, through, and peak.

Consider photons emitted from an ultraviolet lamp and a TV transmitter. Which is the greater wavelength Which is the greater momentum?

Good luck, Greater wavelength=TV. frequency= the number of wave cycles(peak, trough, peak) per time unit. The higher the frequency, the more times the wave cycles, and the shorter the wavelength. Greater Energy=Ultraviolet lamp. By Placks constant, E(energy) =h(planck's constant which is the energy of a photon divided by it's frequency) / f(the frequency of that photon). Planck's constant is almost irrelevant, so the greater the frequency, the greater the energy. Greater frequency=Ultraviolet lamp. Planck's constant and light spectrum. Greater Momentum= Ultraviolet lamp. Electron diffraction, Wavelength=h(planck's constant) / momentum. rearrange it as M=h/W. The greater the wavelength, the smaller the momentum, and visa versa.

What are the four parts of a wavelength?

the four parts of a wavelength are the peak, trough, wavelength, and the amplitude.