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absorption spectrum

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Emission spectrum

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Q: Which type of spectrum is associated with the radiation of most stars?
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Why is the electromagnetic spectrum such as radio waves used to study space?

Most stars and many other objects in space emit radio and microwave radiation. Even the big bag emitted electromagnetic radiation.

What type of spectrum do most stars have?

The spectrum is a kind of analysis of the light emitted by a star.

Stars produce their energy by what process?

Solar Fusion, the conversion at high temperature and pressure of hydrogen and other gases into radiant heat and gamma radiation.

Most of the radiation incident upon the Earth falls within the?

the shortwave spectrum

Excited mercury atoms emit light strongly at a wave of 436 nm What is the frequency of radiation What is the energy of this radiation Good illustration of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Ultraviolet. Most of the spectrum is invisible to people.

What wave has the most penetrating radiation found in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Gamma waves :D

How does the radiation takes place in space?

if you mean what is the source of radiation in space the he answer is it comes from stars in most of their lifespan

Most sunlight consists of what parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The visible spectrum (the radiation we can see as light). This is most likely why organisms evolved to be able to see visible light over other types of electromagnetic radiation - the sun emits this more than the other frequencies, so it was easier for life to evolve seeing this spectrum.

Which wavelength range in the electromagnetic spectrum has been the most fruitful in the search for organic molecules in space?

infrared radiation

From Where does the energy carried by an EM wave come?

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is a name for different types of radiation. Most radiation comes from the sun. Want more info?

Interstellar reddening is caused by what?

A downward shift in frequency of radiation (perceived as reddening in the visible spectrum) is observed in most stars outside the Milky Way Galaxy. This red shift is assumed to be caused by the stars moving away from our galaxy at a sizable fraction of the speed of light. This shift is similar to the Doppler effect in sound.

What does the earth's atmosphere do to most types of electromagnetic radiation?

It absorbs almost everything except the visible spectrum.