

Why do i not have any heat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Not true. You do have heat - otherwise you could not exist, not even as a dead body!

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Q: Why do i not have any heat?
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Why don't you have any heat?

It is not possible to answer the question because it is based on a false premise that I do not have any heat. If I had no heat then I would not exist.

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It will heat itself. If it is sunny outside it will automatically heat. You can also heat it with any kind of room heater.

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Infrared radiations. They do not require any medium. So they don't heat any medium. They don't even heat the air through which they pass.

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Grilling does not conduct heat because it is a known as dry heat cooking. It is where the heat goes to the food without having any moisture.

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Jupiter does not have any ground and so does not have any underground. However, Jupiter pumps out more heat from its interieor than it recieves from the sun.

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