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Because Water's latent heat of fusion is much less than its latent heat of vaporization.

In English: It takes less energy to change a gram of ice at 0°C into a gram

of water at the same temperature than it takes to change a gram of water

at 100°C into a gram of steam at the same temperature.

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Q: Why does melting ice require much less energy than boiling the same mass of water?
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What requires more energy melting or boiling?

Melting requires energy input or absorption because liquid water has more energy than solid water.

What is the melting and the boiling point of water on a cylinder?

The melting point of water (ice) is 0 0C. The boiling point of water is 100 0C.

Water changes phases when heat is added or subtracted?

Boiling and melting are endothermic. Freezing is exothermic.

What value of temperature of melting point of ice and boiling point of waterpoint?

The melting point of water is 0 oC and the boiling point of water is 100 oC.

How does water change its state?

By freezing, melting or boiling.

What are the freezing melting boiling and evaporation points of water?

The melting/freezing point of water is oC.The boiling point of water is 100 oC at standard pressure.Evaporation occur at any temperature.

Determination of melting pont of ice and the boiling point of water?

At standard pressure: - Melting point of ice: 0 0C - Boiling point of water: 100 0C

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A scientific test you do on water similar to a chemical test

What are the boiling and melting point's of salty water?

That depends on how much salt is dissolved in the water. Generally, the boiling point will be higher than for pure water, and the melting point will be lower than for pure water.

Why is energy require for melting or boiling process?

Energy is required in the melting process because high is needed to melt something

Is evaporation the same as boiling?

they are both vaporization process, but evaporation occur on the surface and boiling occur by forming completed bubbles from the bottom.

Why is the boiling point lower than melting point?

It is the opposite. The boiling point is greater than the melting point. for example for fresh water, the boiling point is 100 centigrade while the melting point (for ice) is zero.