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Because of parallel orientation of microfibrils along the axis of cell wall

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Q: Why tangential shrinkage is more than radial shrinkage?
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What is the degree of saturation at plastic limit?

more than 100%(over saturated but saturation is 100%) .....because shrinkage limit is smallest water content at which soil is saturated......means at shrinkage limit itself it posses 100% saturation ........

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What Is Shrinkage In A Mould?

Shrinkage in a mold is an important consideration when creating a plastic product. Certain materials shrink more than others. For example, semi-crystalline materials shrink more than amorphous materials. It is useful to know the shrinking window of your mold before choosing a mold maker. A lower shrink window means that the part will be easier to shrink, while a higher shrink window means that the part will be more difficult to shrink. Managing shrinkage in a Mould While it’s impossible to eliminate plastic injection molding shrinkage during the mold engineering process, there are steps you can take to minimize its impact. First, consider what causes plastics to shrink. All plastics shrink as they cool, but the rate of shrinkage differs from material to material. For this reason, controlling mold shrinkage is critical. Mold engineers need to adjust the process settings to minimize shrinkage. The goal is to achieve low shrinkage across a wide region of a part while maintaining a high degree of uniformity. This is a complex challenge that requires careful consideration of temperature, molecular and fiber orientation, and different packing levels. However, several solutions can be found to minimize shrinkage and achieve close tolerances. The temperature of a injection mold plays a significant role in determining shrinkage. A hot mold will experience less shrinkage than a cold one. A cold mold allows the plastic to solidify too early, causing it to shrink before the injection pressure is fully applied. A hot mold, on the other hand, allows plastic molecules to move and compress before they solidify. In turn, this results in less shrinkage. A 10% change in injection mold temperature and moisture content can lead to a 5% reduction in shrinkage. Calculating shrinkage in a Mould The first step when designing a mold is to determine the shrinkage of the material. There are two ways to calculate this. The first is to divide the part size by the injection mold linear dimension. The second method is to divide the part size by the material shrinkage and multiply the result by the ratio of the two. In both cases, the difference between the dimensions increases as the shrinkage amount increases. Calculating the shrinkage of plastics is not an easy task. This is because shrinkage is related to both the material and the production process. The amount of shrinkage that a plastic material will experience depends on the temperature and the rate of cooling. The shrinkage will be greater in one direction than the other, which means that it is important to set a wide shrinkage tolerance. Once you know how much shrinkage your mold will experience, you can then calculate the shrinkage of your plastic pieces. This injection molding process is known as injection molding shrinkage and it affects designers of injection molded products and molds alike. Plastic shrinkage occurs affects the part’s linear dimensions. However, it varies between different polymers.

Why woolen clothes are dry cleaned?

Wool fabric tends to shrink significantly if washed in water. The dry cleaning solvents do not cause shrinkage. There are special handwashing detergents (e.g. Woolite brand) that can be used to prevent this shrinkage but they are a lot more difficult (and still have some small risk of shrinkage) to use than just taking the items to a dry cleaner.

Does the snail have radial symmetry?

Yes, a sea star does have radial symmetry, because it is symmetrical in more than one place around an axis. Hope I helped you.

What is drying shrinkage in concrete?

Loss of water held in gel spores that causes the change in volume.It is a function of the fineness and gel.Cement paste shrinks more than cement mortar and cement mortar shrinks more than concrete.

What type of symmetry does the starfish have?

they have radially symmetricalANS2:They appear to have radial symmetry but closer inspection will show that the madreporite (sieve plate) is not centered and the animal's behavior demonstrates that it has a preference in its axis of motion i.e., it has a "head end" even though it has no head. The bipinnaria larva of the starfish is bilaterally symmetrical and only takes on the apparent radial symmetry as an adult. Because of the off-center location of the madreporite, one could argue that the adult is bilaterally symmetrical but, junior high and high school biology classes don't encourage you to disagree so, you should probably answer "radial" if you are answering a multiple choice question.ANS3:Radial because it has more than one line of symmetry through the center Further Comment: I question the logic for answer 3. More than one line of symmetry through the central does not imply radial symmetry. I vote for ans1 as an approximation, and ans2 as a more detailed answer.

Why you use inter trip relays for radial feeders for more than two transfomer on same feeders?

To accelearte tripping @ remote end