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Because that is how harmonics are defined!

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Q: Why the harmonics are multiples of fundamental frequency?
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When referring to sound waves what does harmonics mean?

Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency of the wave.

Produced by vibrations that are multiples of the fundamental frequency?

These are known as harmonics, or overtones.

What is the term for overtones that are multiples of the fundamental frequency?

They're called "harmonics".

What is produced when overtones have frequencies that are whole number multiples of the fundamental?

That are harmonics: fundamental + overtones. Calculations of harmonics from fundamental frequency. Look down to the related links: "Harmonics Calculator".

What is the fundamental frequency?

For a waveform containing harmonics, the harmonic frequencies are multiples of what is known as the 'fundamental' frequency. For example, for a waveform that contains 'third harmonics', the fundamental frequency is one-third the frequency of the harmonics. The fundamental frequency of vocal folds the speech mechanism as sound generator.

The relationship between the fundamental frequency and harmonics in its harmonic series?

Scroll down to related links and look at "Calculations of Harmonics from Fundamental Frequency".

Why is pitch different fron frequency?

"pitch" is usually taken to be the fundamental frequency. This is the lowest frequency. For a pure sin wave this is the same. Most signals, sounds, are not sinusoidal, pure sin waves. They have harmonics: they have a different shape. The harmonics are (in theory) all multiples of the lowest frequency. Many waveforms you see, tend to have a symmetry that means there are no appreciable even harmonics, so you get 1, 3, 5, 7, ... times the fundamental, the pitch. For these you can do a lot of the strengths of the harmonics. The fundamental frequency, the lowest one is the pitch.

First order harmonics?

Fundamental frequency.

How many harmonics are possible in the normal hearing range 20 Hz 20000 Hz?

It depends on the fundamental frequency. If for example you wanted to find how many harmonics a 20 Hz sound has then its all the integer multiples of that frequency which are still within hearing range, i.e 20000 Hz. For 20 Hz this is 20000/20 = 1000 harmonics.

What are harmonics in power distribution system?

Harmonics are a multiple of the fundamental frequency. If the power frequency is 60Hz, harmonics occur at 120Hz, 180Hz, 240Hz, etc.

What is meant by harmonics?

harmonics is nothing but an unwanted noise or ripples.A harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. If the fundamental frequency is f, the harmonics have frequencies f, 2f, 3f, 4f, etc. For example, if the fundamental frequency is 50Hz, the frequencies of the harmonics are: 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 150 Hz, 200 Hz, etc. Don't forget: Even harmonics 2f, 4f, 6f,... are odd overtones. Odd harmonics f, 3f, 5f,... are even overtones. Scroll down to related links and look at "Calculations of harmonics from fundamental frequency".

What are odd and even harmonics?

A harmonic of a wave is a component frequency of the signal that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. If the fundamental frequency is f, the harmonics have frequencies f, 2f, 3f, 4f, etc. Even harmonics are 2f, 4f, 6f, ... Odd harmonics are f, 3f, 5f, ... And remember: Even harmonics 2f, 4f, 6f,... are odd overtones. Odd harmonics f, 3f, 5f,... are even overtones. Scroll down to related links and look at "Calculations of harmonics from fundamental frequency".