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All objects fall at 32 feet per second per second, meaning that every second, they are falling 32 feet per second faster. Air resistance may have a minimal effect but the density of the object will not affect the speed.

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Q: Will density of a substance cause it to fall faster?
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Mass does not cause an object to fall faster.

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yes, weight plays a role in how fast an object can fall

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They will fall faster and faster until friction slows the rate of descent.

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who said there is friction with air there is a friction called viscosity that exist between each layers of air thus the particle with with higher density will fall faster

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* Nothing moves unless you push it. * Heavier things fall faster, proportional to their weight. * The speed of fall of a given object depends inversely on the density of what it is falling through.

When you fall how come you don't get faster and faster?

Actually, when you fall you do get faster and faster. The thing is, unless you fall from a very great height, you do not have time to notice that you have sped up.

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It will fall faster and faster for a while - until it eventually reaches a "terminal speed", at which air resistance and gravity are in balance. After that, it will continue falling at a constant speed.

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you will fall faster on the earth because earth has a higher gravity

Does lighter objects fall down faster then heavier objects?

No lighter things do not fall faster than heavier things. In a vacuum they will fall at the same speed. Normally the heavier thing will fall down faster because of its weight. Sometimes the lighter thing falls faster depending on the air resistance.

Who would fall faster a man with a small parachute or a man with a large parachute?

The man with a small parachute will fall faster.

Why do you fall faster than balloons?

a person would fall faster because we have more mass (weight) than the balloon.

What happens to an object in free fall near Earth's surface?

If air resistance can be neglected, the object will fall faster and faster. If air resistance is significant, the object will fall faster and faster, until it asymtotically approaches a "terminal velocity" - the velocity at which the downward pull of gravity is in equilibrium with the air resistance.