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That would be impossible as mass and energy are related.

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Q: Within which type of system is neither the total mass nor the total energy conserved?
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What does it mean to say energy is conserved within a system?

When an object is accelerated along a distance that requires energy. If the object is then slowed to a stop by a breaking system that gets back that energy then the energy is said to be conserved

What is the law of conservation of enery?

It is, precisely, the statement that energy is conserved. To state it in different words: The total amount of energy (in a closed system) will neither increase nor decrease.

What does it mean when the net charge is conserved in a closed system?

It implies the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can oonly be changed from one form to another.

In what situations does the law of conservation of energy not apply?

In general Conservation of Energy does not hold internal to a system, it only holds at the boundary of the system. This is where the limits of the system are. Internal to the system energy is not conserved. The situations where the Conservation does not apply is where the force is not zero or the first derivative of energy is not zero.

How is energy conserved in a closed system?

It is conserved because it stays in the system and never leaves. So it will be there forever until you open up the system.

Is energy conserved only in exothermic reactions?

no only in inothermic reactons

How is energy conserved within a closed system?

The energy is conserved by the " law of conservation of energy" . It states that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed. Then a question may arise that if there is no change in the amount of energy, then why do people often say that energy should be conserved ...... energy is wasting....... we must prevent it? Energy is a finite resource. The materials we derive energy from (oil, coal, electricty, ect.) can also harm the environment. By conserving energy you help to save parts of the environment. There are many ways to conserve energy. The most obvious is to not waste it. This can easily be done by shurring off lights when you leave a room, or turning off the computer or TV when it is not being directly used. Some other ways would be to recyle (it takes more energy to produce new cans, for example, than to re-use recycled ones) or re-use bottles or bags so that energy doesn't need to go into making new ones and the others aren't wasted.

Can an objects mechanical energy change?

Yes, it can. For instance, if you have friction in the system mechanical energy of the system is not conserved.

Explain the law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed?

There is not much more to it. There is a quantity, called "energy", that is conserved - that is, it remains constant in a closed system. You can not create energy out of nothing, but you can convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

The first law of thermodynamics states?

First law of thermodynamics was proposed by Helmholtz in 1847. He stated that:"Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed , but it can change from one form to another form"

When is energy conserved?

When only internal conservative forces act on the system

What is conserved when two object collide in a closed system?

Momentum is conserved when two objects collide in a closed system.