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Not every culture has a unique word for democracy. In some cases, cultures may borrow or adapt words from other languages to refer to the concept of democracy. The idea of democracy can also be expressed through different phrases or terms that convey similar principles.

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Q: Every culture has a word for democracy?
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What is the democracy called in which individual citizens elect people to serve vote and make decisions for them called?

This is a representative democracy. A direct democracy is best modeled in Ancient Rome where people went directly to every meeting and put in their own two cents.

What is the meaning of intraparty democracy?

Intraparty democracy refers to the democratic decision-making processes and structures within a political party. It involves giving party members a voice in leadership selection, policy decisions, and internal party governance. This can include mechanisms such as primary elections, internal debates, and consultations with party members.

How relative is democracy?

Democracy is relative in the sense that its form and implementation can vary across different countries and contexts. Factors such as political culture, history, and socio-economic conditions can influence how democratic principles are practiced and upheld. While the core principles of democracy, such as popular sovereignty and political equality, are universal, their application may look different in each society.

What are some Interesting facts about democracy?

The word "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" (people) and "kratos" (power), meaning "power to the people." The world's oldest surviving democracy is in Athens, Greece, dating back to the 5th century BC. The United States is considered a representative democracy, where citizens vote for representatives who make decisions on their behalf.

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy?

In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, while in a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making processes, such as through voting on laws and policies themselves. Representative democracies often have a system of elected officials who represent the people's interests, compared to direct democracies where citizens have a more immediate role in governance.