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A Party can get registered as a Political Party through Political Party Council. And it can be registered as a political party if the party comply with the set laws for the registration of all political parties

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To get registered as a political party, a party typically needs to meet certain criteria set by the government, such as having a minimum number of members or demonstrating public support. The party usually needs to submit an application to the relevant electoral commission along with supporting documentation. Once approved, the party is officially registered and can participate in elections.

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A political independent is a person who is not affiliated with an organized political party. I am a registered voter but my Voter Registration Card lists my Party as "NPA" (No Party Affiliation). In my state, if I registered as a Democrat or Republican, I could vote in the party primaries for my stated party. Because I am an Independent, I cannot vote in primaries but I can vote in general elections and on referendums and non-partisan races.

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Closed; open

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The political party or organization to which you belong or with which you are registered. In most U.S. states as well as other countries, a person who registers to vote is asked to declare a choice of political party. Thus, there are "registered" Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, etc., and that is the affiliation. It once was common to issue membership cards to supporters of political parties or organizations. Thus, the term "card-carrying member" of a given party or group.